What Does SPN 111 Mean? (Cummins Fault Code 111 Explained) (2024)

When it comes to engines and error codes, there are too many components in the motor, and too many error codes to know their meaning. Unless you have the code book in your glove box, it will be too hard to remember them all and get the right solution.

This error code is simply an alert telling you that your coolant level is getting too low. When this light comes on, you should not delay too long before investigating why the alert was triggered. other components can be damaged if you do delay.

To learn more about this error code and what to do about it, just continue to read our article. It has the information you want to know about so you can diagnose the problem correctly and take the right action to get it fixed

Code SPN 111

What Does SPN 111 Mean?

Sid 111 Engine Cylinder #22

Cummins Engine Code SPN 111 FMI 1

Cummins SPN 111 FMI 4

What Does SPN 111 Mean?

What Does SPN 111 Mean? (Cummins Fault Code 111 Explained) (1)

This code is attached to your coolant system. It will trigger and send you an alert when your coolant levels get too low. You may get one of the four alerts when this takes place:

- Coolant Level Very Low: Engine Coolant Level Data Valid But Below Normal Operational Range - Most Severe Level; Cpc 2 Fault

- Low Coolant Level

- Low Coolant Level Warning

There may be other warnings as well as we say at least 6 of these code numbers in a list of codes. When you see this code pop up, it may not be that the coolant level is low but that a smaller component may have malfunctioned and needed replacing.

We should warn you that you may get several different codes for the same coolant system. We came across one that read SPN 111 FMI 18 that also was triggered by the coolant level issues. Sometimes this code will read SPN 111 FMI 1/18.

That tells you more specific information but also tells you that you may get 18 to 20 different code numbers for SPN 111. The ECM will take 20 seconds to turn the alert off after it detects the right coolant level again.

Sid 111 Engine Cylinder #22

What Does SPN 111 Mean? (Cummins Fault Code 111 Explained) (2)

As we said in the beginning, there are just too many error codes being used today. We have checked several different code sheets and they do not always agree with each other. The reason for that is that many of the SID code numbers also need a MID code number to help identify what is wrong.

This code may have to do with a failed sensor or a sensor that is not up to specs. But we cannot be sure as the mechanic trying to diagnose this code needs a scanner to read all the sensors.

What triggers this code is that the owner was cold starting his truck and before it warmed up, the engine would shut down. Once he got the engine warm, there was no problem.

What compounds the problem is that specific brands have SID codes dedicated to their cars and trucks only. What that means is that the code you see on your dash may not be the code listed in the generic code books. Volvo is this way and there may be more brands that are set up in this fashion.

Cummins Engine Code SPN 111 FMI 1

What Does SPN 111 Mean? (Cummins Fault Code 111 Explained) (3)

This code and many others with different FMI numbers all relate to the cooling system. Unfortunately, the different codes are not always in numerical order. That means it takes time to find the right code location before you can start addressing the problem.

In the Allied book of codes for Cummins motors, we got to page 12 before we found the code SPN 111 FMI 2- Engine Coolant Level Sensor Circuit - data incorrect. We know from another chart that SPN 111 FMI 1 means that your coolant level is very low.

When you see this alert, you should take care of it at your next stop. But do not delay too long as we mentioned earlier that other components can be damaged if you do. On the Allied code sheet, you may have to look under SPN 110 FMI 0 or 16 to get more coolant-related codes.

Sometimes your only recourse is to talk to a mechanic that understands all the codes and what they are referring to. They will have top-quality code readers to make sure they get the right diagnosis.

Cummins SPN 111 FMI 4

What Does SPN 111 Mean? (Cummins Fault Code 111 Explained) (4)

This is another error code for the cooling system and it indicates that the Coolant Level Circuit Failed Low. What that alert means is:

This Fault Sets when the Common Powertrain Controller (CPC)

Detects that there is a Short to Ground on the Coolant Level Circuit

or the Engine Coolant Level is Low” (source)

That source will give you all the instructions you need to follow to identify and fix the problem. If you thought the error codes were too many and confusing, this code can be confusing when you try to read that instruction sheet. There are two codes listed on that manual with those numbers, however, they have more letters after the code.

One reads SPN 111/FMI 4 - GHG17 and the other reads SPN 111/FMI 4 - EPA07 - EPA10 - GHG14 so you may have to do a little more digging to find out which code applies to your problem.

Some Final Words

Ever since technology got a hold of the engine or auto industry, everything became more complicated and confusing. Automakers have made DIY mechanics pull their hair out because engines are not easy to work on anymore nor are they simple in design.

You need a lot of special equipment, code books, and other tools to be able to work on modern cars. That can get costly. When different codes appear, you may want to talk to a dealer or a mechanic to see what you need to do.

What Does SPN 111 Mean? (Cummins Fault Code 111 Explained) (2024)


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