The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)

HELP WANTED FEMALE flOV HELP WANTED MALE HELP WANTED MAIE 16 THE SUN, Saturday, October 18, 1917 HEtP WANTED MALE tM. HELPWANTED-FEMALI f19 HOSTESS for coffee shop. First-class hotel I (19) WOMAN (white), desiring tn earn ext. Christmas money. $35 per week on you own time.

Exp. unnecessary. No canvass lllg. H3B1, sun WOMAN outside selling 4-hr. day.

guara tee salary 6c. commission. MISS SYLVIA SAMPLERS. 36TH ST. COR.

ROLAND WOMEN for ALTERATIONS on men's clothes. Ideal shoo steady employment, gooa salary. Must know no to hand fell Ac work on sewing machim Full or part time. Apply Mr. George.

Alter anon uepi. Manufacturers Clothing Outlet Stores 119 W. BALTIMORE ST WOMEN (WHITEI. 25-35 yrs. of au-e.

I learn spotting in dry cleaning dept. previous exp. necessary. Elite Laundr Futaw Birlflle. YOUNG GIRL, briu'ht.

with knowledge shorthand and typing. 36-hour week Pleasant surroundings. $30 a week to start. Steady advancenvents In salary Must oe willing woi'Ker. vacation win nay 8 paid holidays.

No Snturda work during July As August. Apply 12 w. Harre St. YOUNG girl to answer telephone. No typ nig.

Architect's office. Write 9924, Sui YOUNG LADY For GENERAL OFFICE WORK Must Type And Have some knowledge Of SHORTHAND LEVENSON KLEIN MONUMENT CHESTER STS. Young Lady FOR STOCK MARKING ROOM WORK NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY LEVENSON KLEIN MONUMENT CHESTER STS. YOUNG LADY For general oilice work Knowledge of bookkeeping nee. Good opportunity for advancement with pleas ant working cond excellent salary Mr Keys.

Recreation Bowling Centre 303 w. Monument ht. YOUNG lady for general office work, ability to work with figures, some shorthand required. Liberal starting salary. Apply in person only.

REGAL SERVICE A- SALES CO. 1222 W. NORTH AVE. YOUNG I.ADY For general office work Must be accurate at ngures. snortnand and typing necessary, permanent posi tlon.

5-day week. Give experience, age, salary expected. Box 9239, sun. YOUNG LADY, over 13. neat appearance lor sales lady.

APPLY HOPPER McGAW INC. Charles A- Mulberry Sts. YOUNG LADY for clerical work. Perma nent position. Apply MOSES KAHN 447 N.

Gay cor. EsstJSt. YOUNG lady who can type well. Centrally located. Good opportunity.

Phone Mr Hamburger. SAr 7150. YOUNG LADY General office work Typist preierred. ft'j days week. Apply ueorge woenei inn eastern ave YOUNG LADY General clerical work.

40 hour week. Aoplv cannon suoe Lafayette and st, YOUNG lady to work in order dept. of wholesale drug nouse. 5-day wk. write 9105.

Sun. YOUNG LADY to do general oflice work Apply Giant's Sales 616 N. Eutaw st YOUNG LADIES We have 3 positions open in our filing dept. 5-day wk. btate age salary expected.

Write 9124. Sun. AMBITIOUS HOUSEWIVES (white), with spare time can earn $2.00 up per hour showinu Maisonette Frocks. Not canvassing. Write P.

O. Box 28. Baltimore 18. BANK POSITIONS now open for young ladles in large downtown Bank. No ex perience necessary.

Permanent, interesting work, with advancement based on merit. Pleasant working conditions, 5- dav week. Group insurance, liospitanza tion and retirement plans. Write box 9843. Sunpaper.

giving age, address. telephone number, education and previ ous ex per nee, any DESIRABLE POSITIONS FOR QUALIFIED YOUNG WOMEN STARTING RATE $31 5-DAY WK. Four Increases In First Year. RAISE WAGES TO $35 WKLY. AND THEN CONTINUE TO $45 THE CHESAPEAKE POTOMAC TELEPHONE COMPANY BALTIMORE CITY 320 ST.

PAUL PLACE GOOD (colored) kitchen help for Reichhart Restaurant, 2208 Hanora ra. miervicw- lng between 12 3 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE(20) ACCOUNTING Student, age 35. final year desires employment witn nrm ot oudhc accountants. 10 yrs. douuie-entry exu rite 9776.

sun. Advertising Production N. Y. AGENCY, publishing thorough knowledge ol graphic arts, aesires position agency or advertiser. WRITE 9300.

SUN. ASSISTANT MANAGER now employed in dept. store as assistant manager, interested in chance. Exn. in men's cloth ing 6c furnishings.

Excellent refs. Write D103. sun, BAKER. 1st class, all around, specialize on cakes, pastry, cookies, uanisn. also aecor-ator; open for employment Nov.

1, 9237. Sun. BOY. 16. wants job of any kind.

Call UK. 6331 BOY (col 16. wants work of any kind Sat. only, CA. 6854-W alter 4.30 P.

CHAUFFEUR (col.) wishes position in pri. family. good rer. wining to do oao jobs around the house. J.

Cole. 1115 Winchester St, CHAUFFEUR (col.) wishes position as truck driver, know city thoroughly. i.u. 3538. CHAUFKEUft-Handyman (col.) desires no- 7260.

EXECUTIVE ENGINEER Graduate engineer, experienced in construc tion, plain maintenance and management, pleasing personality, wishes executive or supervisory position requiring Initiative and Imagination. Highest references. Box 9820. Sun. GRADUATE CIVIL ENGINEER, structural drafting design for steel, timber fc concrete, wants work Eves.

6c Sat. 3021 Oak ley eve. FO. 9148. S.

G. Sun 17, in need of job. Write 9837. MAINTENANCE MAN desires position in apt. house in or near Balto.

Exo. in nil kinds of house repairs and painting: Small salary and apartment. Ref. James C. Orem.

Tel. Roslvnl 19-W-5. MAN. age 43. exp.

in stock shipping receiving. A-l reis. ui-jj. aim MAN Ae 55. wants light work, hive good 1939 no selling, una.

tisw, MAN (col.) wishes job as service-station attendint. rets. Mil. 2b. PHOTOGRAPHER wants dark room work.

EnlarBlnng. copyinK. reioucning, coloring under GI bill. Blvd. 53-W.

SERVICE STATION OPERATOR can make up to $100 or more percentage dv letting me work on brakes and minor auto repairs Mr B. please cull nmiin MAI) 5241-J. betwn. 4 JtrHP. 24 Yrs.

Old, wants job as apprentice in machine shop. Has 2 years exp. as luthe onH chnllpr nnprntnr. Wnie1444 JBaUoJl 3, VETERAN, age 24. long exoerience with small presses, ncsires oosinun in iuu printing shoo Write 8822.

Sun. VET. with car. desires work. 438 Rnilndvlew rond.

OOL PRESSER. wishes position. 913 Penna. Ave. Ver.

2210 YOUNG desires permanent clerical position. Exp. in typing, oenerai oince work of freight driving. BOX 534.. YOUNG man.

i3. desires work. Can type 6c drive. Free to travel anywnere. auy- time.

9524. sun YOUNG MAN wishes iob as private or orecn aunrur. Itxp. mva. iv fUNG MAN (col.) wants iob driving light or car.

GI. IWtu-W SITUATIONS (Part Time) MALE (21 ACCOUNTANT Exp. bookkeeping account ing and tax services comoeinu, eco nomical. F. H.

Gaoler, ve. bioj. ACCOUNTANT Taxes, fin. systems au iits Exp. Reas.

hcis. 7042 sun. ACCOUNTANT. Bookkeeping and Tax Serv tees, navrons narryBrass uni A- TAX SERVICE Day VE. 3138.

Nights 6: Sun. MO. 3944. CLERK General oilice work, varied desires part-time joo. any nrs.

uest reis. Write Box sun. COLLEGE STUDENT Veteran, available 8 A. to 1 ir. M.

aany. an aay oai. ez SniUO, 3786 after 6 P. EXPERIENCED Chauffeur. Good reference.

FnrlniormTtion. can ewi. MAN desires work as clerk or watchman for Sunday 6c Monday, ran. i. r.

nan- NAN. 722 IN. fUli I SALESMAN Exp. men's furn. dept.

store. Aveu. evenings, sat. xteis. cm.

VETERAN students available for part-time work Morninr. aiternoon or evening. N. 301 Paca. VS.

7107 (Miss A'ma). VETERAN Student, will do painting from 1. ivi. on. nu uiiv outside.

Wrlie 9027. Sun. or call HO. 1462. EXPERT BOOKKEEI'INO oklance sneets renorts -RMSTPONO fin '117 SATURDAY JOB WANTED College now employed as cncmisi.

nu mfg. experience, consider anyinmg. box 93n3. Sun WANTED MAI ACCOUNTANT Junior for nublic account ing slan. Must oe a graduate, in inn, give details of education and past em-pjojmcni Run ADJUSTER AND INVESTIGATOR oung man befween airs 23-29 must have car, good st art tng MUftry a- car allowance, rapid advancement, comnany has great expansion plans for future.

Apply in nnson AETNA FINANCE CO 315 W. FRANKLIN ST. HELP WANTED FEMALE CARPENTERS-TRIMMERS TOO Wages Large building operation. 2-yr. iob.

Come ready to work. Ralph W. simmers. North side 2t)(io nik. k.

Belvedere Ave. CARPENTERS (2) Must be exp. on Inside trim work. All inside work. $1.75 per nr.

a. l. Kankin, 2UU a. Franklin town Rd GI 6300. CARPENTERS' HELPERS.

Apply on Job witn tools Mon. morning 7.30. 113 cao-law 1 blk. south of Belvedere Ave. Mr.

Williams. CARPENTERS neeri (nn nav In, men Apniy at ou7 Youngsttwn orr oun- ouiit Ave witn tools ready to work at I.J A. M. CARPENTER? (4) Apply 9219 Harford avc. coiwn i construction co CEMENT FINSHER Steady work.

Apnly ait. irianae i. coia soring lane ic Hillen ra. i u. i tz CHAUFFUEH (white), to drive fuel oil truck, steaiie work, only those who art aepenaaoie need apply.

1501 W. 41st 81 9 As 12 A CHAUFFEUR wanted (white), married. rroin n. E. Balto.

Must know city. Apply on CHAUFFEUR. White Furniture trnrk t.tooa wages. Permanent Job. Feldman's yept.

store. 873 W. Baltimore st CHAUFFEUR For wholesale meat packing i u. i pun. mosi or our men are averaging so per week or more includ ing tips.

We nav highest, r.nmmlssinns Best working conditions. Vacations with oay. Must ne over 21 and Know the city GREYHOUND CAB CO. 4213 Keisterstown Road CHAUFFEURS To drive taxicabs. Must be over -i years oi age ana know the city well.

No experience necessary. Paid oo commission oasis. BELLE ISLE CAR CO 4033. REISTERSTOWN RD. CHAUF'FEURS You.

too. can earn aood wages ariving a DIAMOND CAB. Must know city well, be over 23 years of age, 5 years Maryland driving license. We teach you the cab business. Apply Mr.

P. J. Adams. 2825 Greenmount Ave. CHAUFFEURS Earn a rood living, driv ing new sun Cabs on the day or night shift.

Must be 24 years old or over. See Mr Rutlev. 2600 Slsson Street CHEFS (2) White. 1 for night; 1 for day. Must De exp.

6c able to prepare all kinds of Italian foods. Salary $75 per wk. Apply in person between 3 5 P. M. only.

Pizza's Restaurant. 300 S. High st CHEMIST or Laboratory Technician who has had actual laboratory exp. either in school or in business, is needed for laboratory research work by a local manufacturer. An advanced student will be acceptable for this permanent full-time job.

Give details of education, personal background 6c salary desired. in your first letter. Box 9354. Sun. CLLRK Accurate with fiKures.

Some knowledge of accounts receivable, good typist. 5-day week. Permanent position. Good salary. Give age and phone no Write Motoramp Garages of 208-16 Water Balto.

2. Md. CLERK Recent academic high-school graduate, matn. major, age 17 to 20. exp.

not necessary, position permanent. Home Friendly Ins. Co. of Park ave. and centre st CLERK-TYPIST Permanent position in accounting office of large tran.

office Must be able to handle detail. Give full iiiiuriuni ion tin io education ana sai- ary desired, write 9127. sun. CLERK for hardware 6c paint store box 147. sun.

CLERICAL WORKERS Varied Si interest ing on ice work, permanent position good starting salaries. Bee Mr Hissey. FELDMAN'S DEPT. STORES 873-liHl W. BALTO.

ST, CLOTHING Salesman, exp. Steady post tion. Excellent pay. Apply Artcraft Custom Clothes. 118 W.

Baltimore street. COLLECTOR-SALESMAN Retail Install ment furniture. Must be experienced and neve auto. Man acquainted with East Baltimore section preferred but not abso- lutely necessary. Apply Gasslnger's Furniture Store, Gay St.

at Patterson COLLECTOR-SALESMAN Excellent opportunity for experienced man with car. Guaranteed salary $60 plus commission. HOWARD STREET JEWELERS 112 N. HOWARD ST COLLECTOR SALESMAN Experienced Auto necessary. iwitaDlisnea territory permanent position.

MOSES KAHN 447 GAY CORNER EAST STt COLLECTOR-SALESMAN With or Vlthout car. Good opportunity. Central Home Furnishers. 878 W. Balto.

St COLLECTOR-SALEMEN. Part or full time Can earn $20 Saturday. The Model Co. 1946 Edmondson Ave COLLECTOR Part. time.

1 or 2 days a wk Salary and commission. Apply H. BENSON, 208 W. Lexington street COLORED MEN to sell refreshments at Baltimore Stadium Sunday. Call 11 A.

M. ready to work. No experience necessary Gate No. 5. cast side.

Ask for Joe Bach COMMON LABOR Also hand and machine polishers. Starting at 75c. hr. Apply HILGARTNER MARBLE Sharp and Ostend sts. COMPOSITOR IP YOU HAVE GOOD EXP.


The French-Bray Printing 10th Candler Bldit. CONCRETE FOREMAN, experienced on street construction work, steady work Aoolv Mr Koermer. Property Sales Co. field oflice, Stonewood rd. Si Loch Raven Boulevard COOK (white), day w-ork.

good hours wages, thoroughly exo. No others need to apply. 1547 w. Gay st COOK (white). 2nd.

Must have exp. Apply Chevrolet Plant Cafeteria, 2122 Broening highway, cnoK Exo for restaurant, aoolv 1944 W. Pratt 8t COST CLERK Accurate with figures. 5- day wk. Dixie Manufacturing co.

da 0242 COUNTER MEN Night work. Apply 908 w. 36tn st cpuntT iiiM. evnerienced. for expanding auto finance company.

Knowledge of re tail and wholesale nnancing procedures essential. In reply give age. experience and salary expected. 91.4. nun DISHWASHER (white).

Apply 1851 West Fayet teSt reet DISHWASHER (Colcred). Day work Schunick's. "25 N. Howard St distributor, settled. Gentile, married man.

with late model car. to represent national organization selling 7 put of 10 people. By appointment oniv. new men in training. Earn $50 to $200 per week.

140. Sun DRAFTSMAN, consulting structural engi neering office, downtown location. Excel lent, opportunity to learn structural de 11 Drniiimif nreferred. Slate ex perlrnce and salary expected. Write Box Sun, DR A T8 A Con suit ing structural Engineering Office, downtown location.

Excellent opportunity to learn structural design. H.S. graduate preferred. State exn-ricnre A- saiaryexnecujionuii DRAFTSMAN Structural steel detailer for fabrication snop. Must oe exp.

in uu work. Good opportunity with growing concern. Write box hhu. sun DRAFTSMEN Structural steel and miscel laneous iron detail aransmen. appu, giving age.

experience, references, married or single and salary required. Box 8873. sun, DRAFTSMEN Exp. In structural or me chanical work. APPiv Hoppers Shops Division Bartlett Hayward Plant.

tcott DRAFrSMFN Experienced, steady work, modern plant VIRGINIA METAL PRODUCTS CORP. ORANGE. DRIVER Parts and service truck. Excel lent worKing conauions. iwoyer muiui Lincoln-Mercury Dealers, 5401 Reis- terston rd Di(Y CLEANER, experienced, to run small plant, wunllty work CNPrr(ca, noon importunity.

Anply UP-'Io-Die Laundry, iA Aie DYER Exp for dry cleaning Plant. Good worxing conas. omnir ucn. 9609. Sun.

ELECTRICIAN Licensed all-round me chanic, permanent tinuiwiuti'i dft BRITISH OVERSEAS ATRWAYS ELECTRICIAN lst-class. experienced in industrial mam mui -plant. Permanent employment. $1.28 nr. Curtis Pay area.

VjiteJ122Sun. ELECTRICIAN Exp. in house wiring 011 burner wiring. Must nave car. lnwn 123-J ELECTRICIAN OR HELPER -Applv 413 Fastern J2 ELECTRICIANS Experienced, needed at once.

AnPiy lot!.ii"iyj? ELEVATOR OPERATOR (White) Exp. not necessary. Apply iimeaeeicr, oni-i-- Relvericie hojci ENGINEER, stationary: K01f.e?,T,,,.'" tton to right man. admit St. Acnes Hospital.

Caton and likens Avenues. ENGINEERS, Design Exp. in structural or mechanical work, apiuv Shops Division Bartlett Hayward Plant. 200 Scot.tst ENGINEERING graduate for work stand ardization aivision ui uuiuNu covering wage incentive, cost analysis, time study, layouts, methods, wage rates, etc. Write 9938 "ESTIMATOR-SALESMAN Experienced In hot-air heating 6c plumbing.

Exceptional prtmu.i.. iy v. ErG.I. to" learn body "and fender work. Work under oui 1 5 Chevrolet Sales.

116 W. Read St. OOR7LYERS HARRISON 2306 Wasningrqn jJiva. v.ip-- FURNITURE FINSHERPermanent work. APPIV Moses oms AisnulTT F-R'NiiuRE FINISHERS 1st class.

Apply 527 rienningnaus i HOJ7.8J FURNITURE REPAIRMAN and REFIN1SHER At least 5 years' experience In the repair- tng and relint.shlng ol all types 01 irnin- tine, sprav paui'ing. mucn-ut. iteneral knowledge of finishing required. Applv Ma'l order ampiuym-nv fourth floor. 8 30 to 4 30.

MONTGOMERY WARD MONROE ST. WASH. BLVD. FURNITURE SATes'M AN Permanent, posf- lion. Regular nours.

ur, ui, furnishings, or electrical appllanca experience helpful. GOMPRECT St BENESCH 316 N. Eutaw St. MU. 2000 ADJUSTER Young man with finance co, exp.

Good opportunity with growin incut onice oi a nationally know finance co.FL, 1681, ARCHITECTURAL ENGIN EER Excellent permanent opportunity lor young grad uate architect or architectural engineer Large manufacturer located in Eastern A en a. write details to a ox 9306, ARTIST Experienced furniture artist. 40 nours ween. Excellent salary and working conditions. Apply witn samples, recep- THE SUNPAPERS BALTIMORE A CHARLES STS nonioism i to HooKKeeper.

local corp starting salary $45, 40-hr. wk. Box 8992 AI 1 ORNEY Maryland real estate till experience: excellent opportunity with established title company located in Washington, specializing In Maryland uive experience, ae ana starting i yztm. 5Un. AUTO BODY fender man.

Top salary conn nssion. inompson studeoaker Sales, nminpnint ltd. l-none Dlindlllk 12. AUTOMOBILE BUYERS I have attractive positions for 3 cnrrKt(c serious minded men who arp rli exp. used-car buyers Ar who are interested in earning big pay every week.

This is an opportunity of a life time with an old company oi excellent rcputa nun. nppiy lvir. cumminRs. RELIABLE MOTOR CO. FRANKLIN ST.

FULTON AVE. AUTOMOBILE body fender man. 1st cinss mechanic only. Flat rate, can earn uio or more weekly. Modern equipment Shower room, free hospitalization A life insurance.

Anoly McKenna Pontine r.astern av AUTO BODY and F'ender man and painter txcenent opportunity for 2 first-class men. Salary unlimited. Mover Motor Lincoln-Mercury Dealers. 5401 Rcisters- iuwn o. AUTO BODY FENDER MANTnn wnrt ing conditions.

Good wages. Mr. Zimmer man, tast Auto Sales. 6505 Pulaski n'Kiiwa y. AUTOMOBILE FRONT END MECHANIC-Able and experienced CUiVLUlINATlUN BODY FENDER MAN and PAINTER Splendid opportunity, new equipment, new snop.

MID-CITY SALES CO. 25TH ST, AT GREENMOUNT AVE. AUTO MECHANIC Only exo. need apply wo tunu-j. AUTO MECHANIC to work 5 wk ivi Liuunc-ruiiiuuiii umui.

wicau. wi-u ngnted snop. pleasant working condi tions. Guaranteed salary profits sharing plan. Call Mr.

Barnhill. The Howard W. Ford 4721 Liberty Hghts Ave. LI. 2710.

AUTO MECHANIC 1st class only. Guaranteed salary. Excel lent working conditions. Moyer Motor dealers, 5401 Keisterstown Kd. L.1.

232U, AUTO MECHANIC 1st class only. Can make S100 wk. or more. Hospitalization vacation, rood working conditions. Mc- Kenna Pontine.

2033 Sastern ave. WO 0220. AUTO. MECHANIC Must be exp. on Ford A- nave nana tools, guarantee minimum salary plus bonus.

See Mr. Calvert. 8-5. Nelson F. Cross, Ford Dealer, 101 Craln Highway.

Glen Burnle. AUTO Mechanic, experienced all makes Must bo steady and have own tools. Guaranteed salary S50 for 44-hr. wk. Aoply at once.

COCKRELL-OWENS. 6 E. Penna. Towson. AUTO MECHANIC with Chevrolet experi ence and tools.

Excellent working conditions. Good pay. Sec Mr. Scheuller, City Chevrolet 101 W. Mt.

Royal Ave. AUTOMOBILE mechanics road service men for day 6c night work. See Mr. Anderson. Martin J.

Barry, 1700 N. Charles AUTO MECHANIC Must be exp. to work lor Dodge Si Plymoutn dealer. Good pav Ae working conds. GARDINER MOTORS Glen Burnle, Md.

Glen Burnle 25. AUTOMOBILE MECHANICS One of Maryland's largest Ford dealers has openings in tneir repair department for several motor and body and fender mechanics. A good opportunity for men of ability. 5V2-day health and accident insurance, employes profit sharing plan in effect. Apply Mr.

O'Laughlin. BEHREND INC. FALLSWAY CfNTRE STS AUTO MECHANICS (3). $62.40 per week $1.20 per nour. time ana a nan over 40 nours.

work in truck lleet owner shop. 5 days. 8 to 5 P. Sat. 8 to 2 P.

M. Best working conditions in the city. New clean building, lockers, hot-water showers, vacation with pay, free hospitalization and life insurance. Only thoroughly experinced Chevrolet and International truck men with own hand tools need apply. Truck Rental Conway and Greene Sts.

LE. 5779 See Mr. Quillen. AUTOMOBILE MECHANICS Balto. 's old est rora aeaier nas openings in tneir service dept.

for several first-class mechanics and body and fender men. Men who can qualify must know how. We offer vacation with pay. health and accident insurance and profit-sharing plan. Apply to Mr.

Isenock. GRIEBEL MOTORS. INC. 1JL8 1 6 Light St AUTO MECHANICS (4) 6c 4 Helpers. Phone Kt).

AUTO PARTS SALESMAN Exp. Own ter ritory, commission. 9SK9. sun. AUTO SIMONIZER Must be exo.

Too salary to steady, reliable man. Work in new. modern, well-heated garage. Insurance other benefits. See T.

J. Don-nell. Take No. 8 car or bus. ODONNELL PONTIAC.

INC. 2709 Frederick ave, AUTOMOTIVE OPPORTUNITY Mary land largest automotive wholesale distributor has an opening for a young man to learn business. Requirements are: Good physical condition, age 25 to 35. at least 2 years nigh school education Starting salary $35. Anoly in person be tween 2 As 4 P.

M. R. W. NORRIS SONS. Gav High Sts BAKER 3rd hand on cake.

Day work Apply Gondecks Bakery, 1332 Sulphur spring Rd, BARBER, permanent, good hrs. and fine clientele. Aoply to manaeer of barber snonsneraton Beivejiere Jiotei, BARBER for Saturday. $13 guarantee and commission. Ritchie highway and 10th Brooklyn park.

BARBER wanted for Saturdays. Apply 2707 Greenmount Ave, BEEF BONERS Steady work available, at too rates, for exn. boners Apoiy at once relay ror work. ALBERT F. GOETZE.

INC. plovment office. 1962 Brlair Rd BLADE GRADER operator. Exp. on city street.

Apply 24 Nickerbocker Lex inston and Guilford. BOOKKEEPER-ASSIST ANT MANAGER for restaurant. Good salary 6c working conds. Excellent opportunity under GI hill. A iob with a future.

Our employes know of ad. Box 9141, sun BOOKKEEPER. 25-50. married, to keen branch rannerv books In Virginia sm.u tnu-n. Perinnm-nt nnsittnii.

Write quallfi citions, refs. At salary expected. 9195, Hun BOOKKEEPER-CASHIER Young man. Kermisch 1138 Penn. Ave.

BOX SPRING MAKER Steady work. Ap ply at Lear Furniture. 312 orecn mount Ave. BOY. 16-18.

for general office work manutacturing mausiry located cast cm timnre TVfnst he neat and ambitious Good starting salary and excellent op portunity, rtcpiy in uwu iiuiiuw i iuuh Box 9277. Sun. BOY (white). 16 or over, to work Inside magazine return room 6c help on delivery truck. Apply Saturday only 8 A.

M. to 12 noon. Calvert News, 404 W. Conn a St BOY to work in meat plant. General work.

Must be punctual 6c nave reis. naiary 65c. per nr. overtime. Leon Oppen-heliner.

1041 Marshall off 40 Cross St. LE. 071)0 BOY (white). 16 in shipping dent. Apply Aloha Photo tngravin ju w.

Feyetje st HOY to" work in dry cleaning plant, exp preferred. Iiuu cleaners, -i t. imiiow street. No.s,2, fl.iir 3()ciii'lliies, BOY or Man Part-time work, light iarm- ln and atock. Towson iba-it BOY (white) over 16 for office work; 5-day week: downtown.Box 9780..

BOYS to work- In shipping department. Aunly SELDIN COAT 405 FRANKLIN 4 1 ri rlAJvllt BOYS. 16 years of age. to run errands Bicycles furnished. Apply 419 St.

Paul BRAKEMEN (2i. exp. Best working cond. Vacation with pay: also liberal bonus pro-ram, group insurance. Pleasant working cond.

See Mr. Hopper. Firestone StoreJL2001 NHnwBrdjtreet.j BRICKLAYERS Steady work. Call CH. 1457 after 6 P.

M. BULDOZER OPERATOR WANTED, exo Aoplv GLEN GARDENS. GLEN BURNIEiMD BUSHELMAN steady position, good Innlv Ar, -raft CllStnm ClOtheS. 118 W. Baltimore st CABINET MAKER, for reoairtng antiques.

Stendv iob. Good pay. Write 9661. Sun. CABINET "MAKERS on store fixtures, s'eariy work, .19 S.H9wn.rd St 2228..

CANDY MAKER AND HELPERS. General Candy 515 W. Lombard st, CANVASSERS-Crew Manages Sell orginal Posers silver for same price as sold before the war. $29.95 for complete set. $1 per week.

See our new 12-uiece heavy waterless aluminum set with complete meal cooker Sell 100" virgin wool blankets, new type lainos, runs, bed sets, spreads. radios. Benrus watches, vacuum cleaners, irons, pressure cookers, siip covers, drapes, curtains, mattresses, linen sets, dishes, etc. Top commission. No reverts or charge backs.

Immediate delivery. Interstate Home Equip ment 2601 Pennsylvania ave CANVASSERS (exp. or mexp.) to sell household items on weekly pay plans. SPOT VERIFICATION AND DELIVERY We will train you to sell original Roger's Silvcrplate tne nnesi neavy casi waterless aluminum ware on the market today. Call between 8 Si 9.30.

See Mr Pities. 5 WLombard. CARPENTER -Inside work. Familiar with woodworking machinery Only first-class mechanic need apply at 110 Eutaw 1st floor CARPENTER HELPER, exp. Must have tools, inside worn, can os.

jjii CARPENTERS, inside alteration A- trim work, a koooL staryCaHSA.4S50, CARPENTERS St eady year around work Anolv PROPERTY SALES CO STONE-WOOD RD AT 4600 BLOCK LOCH -I7N H' Vn. 7060 CARPENTERS Trim "hands Top wages p-ild Plenty of overtime. Must he fl; .1 class Others need not applv The Edison Really Co 2'IHO block Federal St CARPENTERS i'Ji" All inMile work. Tidu men Annly readv for work with tools 515 Eiihor between Hillen and Gav 6 CARPENTERS Must, be able Io do carpentry from start, to completion on better tvoe houses. Apply Charles St.

south of Jopna Rd. Ask lor Mr. Blair. STENOGRAPHER Fire is Casualty General Agency In surance office desires person capable 01 assisting busy executive. Must be one who learns quickly; gooa at nsures ana cap able of composing own correspondence Good salary.

Five-day week. Only those qualified need apply in own handwriting. box 8BH5. sun STENOGRAPHER Exp. not necessary but must have knowledge of general office work.

Excellent chance for advanc ment to take complete charge of of flee. 38 hours, vacation and good nay Shevitz Furniture 730 Washington Blvd. STENOGRAPHER CLERK Typing esse tin), shorthand preferred, exo. only, fo specialty shop, excellent opportunity for ricnt person. Apply in person.


Permanent, nnsitfnn Excellent working cond. Apply to Mr Beany. HESS SHOES 312 N. HOWARD ST. STENOGRAPHER-CLERK FOR RETAIL FURNITURE STORE.

EX CELLENT OPPORTUNTrY Mil 2000. GOMPRECHT BENESCH 31 JEOTAW ST. STENOGRAPHER 18-20 yrs, of age, no practical exoerience out preferable in credit Department. Apply uecepuonist uesx. THE SUNPAPERS Baltimore and Charles Sts.

STENOGRAPHER S. W. Section Dictation bv shorthand or oy cnctapnone. will train on dictaphone if necessary; 5'A-day week. Vacation with pay.

Call Mr. Chapline. ED. 3600 after 30 A STENOGRAPHER, excellent ooportunit with old established firm. Some experi ence desired but not essential.

40-hour. 5-day week. Engineering dept. work. To make arrangements lor interview, call WO.

0555. Ext. 30. STENOGRAPHER, exp. in shorthand and general oince work.

Prelerably with knowledge 01 small switcnooara. permanent position in small congenial daylight office. $35 per with opportunity for agvancemeni. tsox H120. sun.

STENOGRAPHER Knowledge of shorthand general office routine, liberal employee benefits. 5 days per week. Continental Can Boston Linw vood Aves.No I8streetcar. STENOGRAPHER Experienced. 5-day week.

Very easy work Small pleasant office, in South Baltimore $35.00. Telephone South 1188. Evenings Liberty 6429. STENOGRAPHER-CLERK For small office Must be accurate at figures. Permanent position.

Good opportunity. 5-day week State age. experience, salary expected box autia. Kim. STENOGRAPHER Trust company has an opportunity lor a competent voting lady looking for a permanent position, under desirable working conditions.

For an in terview write 9830, Sun. STENOGRAPHER-Secretary. Age about 20- 2h. Young woman of good character who likes to deal witn people lor position in a y.m.c.a. onice onering variety pnone N.

A. LUiuurrow. LE. 7350; STENOGRAPHER With some knowledge of bookkeeping, permanent position with excellent opportunity for advancement Robert J. Thome 210 E.

Redwood. STENOGRAPHER. 5-day wk. Good work lnr conditions, exd. not necessary.

Eastern Iron As Steel 6301 Erdman Ave. WO. 10575, STENOGRAPHER for general office work Good at. figures. 123 W- Mt.

Royal Ave STENOGRAPHERS Full Permanent fit interesting position In medical ad ministration dept. Apply personnel uepi, Johns Hopkins Hospital. TECHNICAL STENOGRAPHER FAMILIAR WITH CHEMICAL TERMS AGE 1935 5-DAY WEEK Apply to Personnel Oflice 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. Monday Through Friday CROWN CORK SEAL CO.

EASTERN AVE. KRESSON ST. No. 2fi or No. 20 Trolley and No.

10 or Bus direct to plant. TELEPHONE Credit Investigator Previous small loan, finance co. or credit bureau exp. desirable but not essential. Pleas ant working cond.

salary dependent unon qualifications ottered. Apply in person 2nd 209 N. Liberty st TELEPHONE OPERATOR Small switchboard. Permanent position. Good starting salary.

See Mr. Hissey. FELDMAN'S DEPT. STORES 873-881 W- Baltost. TELEPHONE OPERATOR All-night relief.

2 nights week 11 f. a. m. uKf experience necessary. Apply personnel dept Johns 'Hopkins Hospital.

TELEPHONE OPERATOR and clerical work. Write 8213. sun TELEPHONE operator monitor-typist 5 lh days. Arundel Lumacr 4Jiv xorg a TYPIST With or without experience. Permanent positions with opportunity lor advancement.

40-hour. 5-day week. No Saturday work. L. GREIF INC.

HOMELAND AVENUE. GOVANS TYPIST Rpetlon Dictation by shorthand or by dictaphone, will train on dictannone if necessary; weeK. vacation wun pay. Call Mr. Chapline.

ED. 3600. after 30 A. typist The Johns HoDbins University assistant in registrar's office, typing ability essential, exp. reauired.

5Vi-day week. 1 mo. vacation with pay. For appointment call HO. 3300.

Ext. 117. be tween 1 A TVPisT.ri.ERK For research library in chemical plant. Must do accuraie. ooinc experience with Edinhone desired, but not essential 11 willing to learn, reirnn-nent employment.

Call WO. 0555. ext. 30 for interview TVPtfiT Armrnte swit.chhnard experience one witn knowieage 01 new usea cm business preferred, although not essen tial; pleasant worKine conauions. at tractive salary.

9153. Sun. TYPIST Permanent position: knowledge or snortnann oenrncini; o-iisy cellciit working cond. Apply 9.30 A. 4 30 P.

M. American Associated Insurance Co, 1H01 O'HillUvan Bldg. TYPIST-CLERK Wit knowledge of short Hnnri nei-mnnenl. noslllon. 5-day Wk.

Ap ply Personnel Emerson Drug Cp Eutaw Lombard 9-12 nonn.2-4 P.M TYPlSV for general clerical work. Central location, small onice. pleasant suimuuu- ings. Salary $25 wk. uive age.

educa tion, reierences. write ezg, pun TYPIST-BTLE CLERK Any age. No stenog raphy necessary. 40-nour. o-uay wee.

Ammidon Sc 31 S. Frederick St. SA. 71 17 TYPIST Exp. Excellent working cond.

Good hrs. uenerai insurance omcr. KROH As MILLER. 210 E. Redwood St.

PL. 27U3 TYPIST Centrally located. Good oppor tunity, line position, rnune ir. nam-htireer SA. 7150.

tvpist in "nneat.e switchboard and O.K. credit, evenimts ana eaiuraay. cuii miss Evelyn, TYPIST for uenerai office work, filing relief on f.B.JV. swucnooaru. tu-ui.

wiw. $30. Apply Box 9004, Sun, TYPISTS Ward's offers tinsually good opportunity for typists over in years 01 bbc. who nin tvue at least filty words per minute. Excellent salary of $31 .60 to $42 lor a forty-hour week.

Time and one-half for all hours worked over forty hours week. Apply Mail Order Employment Otfice, Fourth Floor. 8 30 to 4.30. MONTGOMERY WARD MONROE ST. WASH.

BLVD. UNDERWOOD-Elliott-Fisher bookkeeping machine operator, lor national organization. Splendid opportunity, excellent startine pay. Box 9947. Sun.

WAITRESS (white), neat and refined. Ex perienced lor 1st class ainiiiK ruum. Please do not apply unless you ran work steady. Hours 12 noon to 9 P. M.

Closed Mondays. Apply today after 11.30 A. M. WALKER-HASSLINGER 701 N. CHARLES ST.

(Lanvnle St. Entl WAITRESS White, part-time. 11 A. M. to 3 P.

6 days week, age a to 35 Penn Hotel. Towson. Md. Phone Towson 905 WAITRESS (White) Neat, steady worker. Hours 11 to 8 P.

M. Apply Kognei Heichts Restaurant. 4220 Edmondson ave WAITRESS, experienced, for night work. Apply after 2 P. Eagle Restaurant ana Tavern, inden avc and Moshnr st.

WAITRESS (white), over 21. hrs. 6 P. M. to 2 A.

M. Ch. 9047. call after II A. WAITRESS WANTED Apply after 1 P.

On sis caoaret. Baltimore ana ren'-'-icK WAITRESS Must be exp. Apply after 10 A. M. LOVE B1SSTAUKAN1, 2O01 W.

Charles. WAITRESS, white, full time, to serve distinguisneo clientele. Apply Hostess. Penn Hotel, Towson. WAITRESS -MIAMI NIGHT CLUB 9 NORTH GAY STRKET WAITRESS WANTED Apply 1851 W.

Fay ettc GI.3314. WAITRESS Exp. Apply at Chicken Coop Restaurant. 5205 Belair roaa. WAITRESS, exp.

only, night Apply 1000 N. Charles St. WAITRESSES (2). with refs. Only exp.

Night dity work. 9-nr. day. very gooo tips, excellent working cond. 6-day wk.

Apply In person only. Pete's Lunch, 1909-11 E. Fayette. WAITRESSES PTCADTLLY. H5 W.

FayeUe after 7 PjM WAITRESSES WANTED Exp. Apply In person from 12 to 2. Maria Restaurant. 3Q0 Albemarie st WAITRESSES. WHITE.


New Quimhy Restaurant. 110 N. Howard Si. Tin's f-n-" S4K to $50 a WAITRESSES Exp, None other need apnly. Nigiit.

work. Apply Kiicli Grill-3135 North Ave, WAITRESSES- Exiv. to work in restaurant. Cliiin KliiK.llO Liberty street WAITRESSES 2), Apply Little Nite Club, 172K Fleet, street, alter 3 m. WAITRESSES Exn.

Applv THE VERNON 7n''-vn4 Paul WOMAN, middle-aged (white), to make home with iamuy of tnree. Best of ref. ea. Write Box 9287, Sun. Furniture Salesman Experienced Man Can Earn Substantial Salary PERMANENT POSITION PLEASANT INSIDE BELLING LEVENSON KLEIN MONUMENT A CHESTER 8T8.

GROCERY CLERK throughly exp. only for Pratt St APPiy 2010 w. GARAGE ATTENDANT (white) with ehauf. St. Paul and Saratoga Sts.

GRILL COUNTER MAN Good dv. W.36th St. OHOCERY 8ALESMAN. excellent ODoor- uini ror younr man with one of ih leading wholesale grocery firms In Balto.'',.,,!.e,,"n: no1 '''aid of work.

Wholesale Grocery York St.A-Battcry Ave, LE. 7990 HEATING SUBCONTRACTOR FtTrnl labor" only, to install hot-water heatina ni.r.t. in Housing projects. Apply Mr Barnea. OOOEdgewoodlrjcg" Bfnf Auto Sales.

JEWELRY STORE SALESMAN Splendid nnnnrtimllw nr salary ic commission. Store work onl LAKEIN JEWELRY CO 4 Balto. rammimli. Apply Mr. Kahn.

SIS Hrn.ri... lB, assistants Excellent opportiuutlr vm icunuie concern in control laboratory. 6 previous exp desired, but not essential. Must be high school rraduate; good at mathematics Ac industrious Prefer married men; 5-dT. 40-hr wk.

Use knowledge of slid, rule helDful. Call WO nvss 11 .2 make arrangements for Interview LABORATORY TECHNICIAN with high! bvKRo naming in cnemistrr 10 hospital research laboratory. H939. Sun. LABORERS 80c.

an hour. Meet trucks at iu. ana auir ave. a. m.

valler LandscapeCo. LANDSCAPE WORKERS Steady work" I.ATWFHS (COL), for housing work AoolT Mr Mara. Westmont j. niimnn, south of 3100 blk. North Ave LINOLEUM LAYER Must be thoroughly LINOLEUM MECHANICS At Helpers fo'i 'i j.

asm. unoieum .15 N. Chet- ter st. LINOLEUM MECHANICS Apply Arcad ch narrora rd, LINOTYPE OPERATOR. Applj'KinFrosC caivers LITHOGRAPHER Paper! Medium iu press.

WriteBox :9671. Sun LOCKSMITH Good opportunity: iteid? w--r- 1 I 's. 101 HIe ns tS 40 4 1. LUBRICATION salesman wld. Must be exo Apply Barron Esso Station.

818 W. North, avenue, EUNCHROOM. manager, complete chars buying, planning, low-priced meals. Good IIUU is. write -OK hhh.v aim.


MACHINERY DIVISION 1200 NEWKIRK ST. Take No. 20 car to ODonnell and Old- 1IHHI Ql MACHINISTS FIRST-CLASS. ALL-AROUND MEM MACHINE TOOL OPERATORS to work to close tolerances. Day Night Shift.

Good pay. Good working cond. APPLY AT nvr-v BALMAR CORP. TTNTON AVF Jt- rtTnPTB ue MAINTENANCE MAN for Real Estate Arm! be sober, steady Job. LI.

768 MAINTENANCE MEN. plumber, tinner. painters ac elevator repair man Tor full JOHNS HOPKINS HOSPITAL MAN Energetic man between 35 A 40 for arnerai ledger ana montniy statements. General ability at bookkeeping, offira work and typing. Starting salary $55 per week.

Goor opportunity for right Individual. Applicants must be prepared start Immediately. Annlv flin ft Fi, or phone SO. 2200. MAN with car to learn installment business.

musi oe me aggressive type. Salary te start $40 weekly. Car allowance. Rapid advancement after first week It you qualify MARYLAND Af.FR 13U0J1OLLINS. STREEX MAN (white) to learn pressing coats In" ousneung aept.

no exp. necessary. 5-day wk. Good starting pay. Sick benefit, insurance 6c other advantages.

J. SCHOENEMAN. INC. 412 w. Redwood SL MAN, white, for cleaning.

$35 per week to start, opportunity to advance 6c eventually learn trade. Apply after 2 M. to Mr Teufel, Harford Bowling Center. 610T Harford rd. MAN To run cut-off saw 61 machlna window fc door frsmes.

Must be exo. Apply T. Dan Kolker Lumber 212 W. Coldspring Lane. MAN exp.

In car washing gen eral storage-garage work, uooa salary. Steady job. CLUB GARAGE. 10 EAGER ST. MAN On poultry farm, no other farming.

per Tiiontn. as lurntsneo bedroom At kitchen mo board). Phone 6EVERNA PARK 165. MAN to learn to operate drop hammer. Must De is.

rive rel. salary expected. Box 9941, Sun. MAN (white) to help install gasoline pump As tanks. Apply 1501 w.

4lst St. between (I I-' 1 MAN with retail seafood aalei exp. Good salary. Apply 9571, Sim. MAN (whitei, laundry helper.

Apply Mrs. mo ten, a nn a bos 1 1 a 1 MAN WANTED lor grocery store. Call OiS3Q, MANAGER needed for expanding 5 Ae 10c. stores in Baiio. opwiriuniiy for man who wanis to buy In.

Must be exn. chain At 10 manager. Amount of investment optional. Write 9629, Sun MARKER, Machine Cutler wanted for large Southern men dress-siiirt plant. Salary commensurate with ability and expei lence.

Box 9301, Sun. MATTRESS MAKERS on lane or roll-ertsa machine. Experienced only, per hour. Allied Bedding Mia 930 E. St.

MEAT, seafood 61 poultry men. Apply Mr. ureen. iieeKay. alio tuuw at.

MEAT COUNTERMAN with license to drive car Apply 504 N. Gay. MEAT CUTTER, neighborhood store: no late hrs. Block's Food Market, 310O Prestman st MECHANIC FOR NEW BEAR FRONT FND AND FRAME STRAIGHTENING MACHINE BY LARGE NORFOLK. VA AUTOMOBILE DEALER.


Chev. Minimum wage. $65 wk. AppIt In person only. pubiio service Driv-ur-oeu, uou MoUlL.

Ave, MECHANICAL ENGINEER Capable ot deslnnlng devices, improvin products, increasing enirienry 01 production. In short, a natural gadgeieer with a college education and some knowledge of electrical applications and refrigeration. Excellent opening for right man with well-established company. Within commuting distance of Washington. D.

Write, giving full details, education and Rnv '1 P. Cnn MEN WITH CAR TO INSTALL TILE BOARD. $1.50 PER HR. CAR ALLOWANCE. APPLY C.

M. ABBOTT 2507 WASHINGTON BLVD. MEN 21-38 years, for steady work all year rouna in mooer neri ucmn supervisors, trslnees Ac helpers. No exo. necessary.

Good starting rates with op-portunity for advancement. Aoolv Cat a Paw Ho.tite Rubber Mfg Warner fc Ostend Sts. Take bus 28 or 37. Trolleys 19 or 30. MEN (col.) Fight the high cost of living bv working several nignis or oars per k.

setting pins in bowling eat. We teach you. Full-time jobs open too. Our pin setters average $1 per hr. or better.

If 16 yrs. or older, spply after 2 P. M. tr. Mr Teufel.

Harford Bowling Center. 610j Har.fprdRdJig!9 MEN. experienced on street construction work, steady worn, appiy mr. Mn-nun, Property Sales field office. Stone- wopd.rd..

MEN (2) 40-60. to call on regular custom ers. Year rouna won. Sllu "vl" useful. Apply 208 Old Towo Bank 2-5 pl MEN to sell refreshments at Baitimpro Stadium rriaay ac esuirejj at Gate No.

6. west side, 7 P. readr to work. Wstts Concession Co. MEN (100), to sell refreshments.

Baltimore Stadium minaay. can at ki evnerlenee neceary. Gate No 6. west A-k HellyW U. SiFN younrlor llsht factory work Good working cond.

80 per nr. rate. vacation witn pay. im Hiind Co 3501 Brehm Lsgf NIGHT WATCHMAN, building projeel AP-- ply only between 9-11 A. M.

Mannasoie, Kentucky Aves, OFF-SEf-pRESSMAN-Exp man on 22 or i4-tn prrss. Liimu win vacation At holidays, free hospltallxatlon Opportunity for qualified mn nnJ AIX'RAFTERS PRINTING At OFF-SET OH. BURNER SEHVU'K MKN -We need lio experienred oil burner service men. high p.y. lop car allowem ummer a-canon PV- winter health and welfaro henefils CHI I invert it OIL-BURNER 'SERVICE MEN WANTED Experienced.

CaU. U. 1400. 119) CLERICAL WORKERS There are many and varied Interesting Jobs in our clerical departments from which to choose. No business experience or training is necessary.

You will learn modern business procedure in uo-to-date surroundings. Excellent salary to start and full pay while training. Many oooor- ttinitles for advancement. Apply Mall Order Employment Office. 4th Hour.

8.30 to 4.30. MONTGOMERY WARD MONROE ST. WASH. BLVD. CLERK-TYPIST Permanent position open for a young lady to work in order writing dept.

Knowledge of simple arithmetic essential. Only high-school graduates will be considered. 5-da. wk. all da.

work hrs 0 to 5. ANCHOR POST PRODUCTS. INC. 6500 EASTERN AVE. CLERK-TVl'IST for general office detail Must be accurate tvoist.

D-day. 40-hr. wk Age 18 to 35. Excellent opportunity lor advancement. W.

T. GRANT CO 2 CLEKK Accurate with figures. Some knowledge of accts. receivable, good typist. 5-day week.

Permanent position, good Mary. Give age ana phone no write box tio riiin. CLERK-TYPIST Permanent position in ac counting office of large trans office Must be able to handle detail. Give full iniorniHiion as to exp education 61 sal rya csirea. write tt l28siin CLERK PREFER SINGLE PERSON sir r.N AUhb, 5-30.

GOOD FUTURE. D-DA. THE BALTIMORE SALES BOOK CO 3132FREDERICK AVE. CLERK-TYPIST Interesting position In order department for aggressive young lauy. o-oav.

4--nour week. Apply HAK- CLERK-TYPIST Some shorthand, must be accurate wun ngures. permanent position in small office. S. Baltimore.

State asre. exp. salary expected, write H599 permanent position neasani surrounaings. MARYLAND LUMBER CO. 1 1 Er Air; 1 1 Es 1 must be exo.

5-day Good salary. AodIv Glnh Venetian Blind Co. Call Mr. Huddles. BR.

2356 or lire b4(i4. CLERK-TYPIST General office work iJicasant working conditions. Must be ac curate with figures. Sussman fc Lev. t.

Baltimore at CLERK, ceneral office work. 5-day week JVlAKYLiAIND BISCUIT CO. 522 CHARLES ST CLERK-TYPIST Permanent position. 5- oav week. Apply after 10 A.

M. Wohl- I ui tun MarKet PI ate, CLKRK lor hotel news stand. Otve ago pnone number, exp. IX any. write Box 9975, Sun CLERK-TYPIST Permanent, 40-hour week 1 1 cneii s.

224 w. Lexing ton St. CLERKS for general office clerical work Rapid and accurate with figure. 40-hr wk. No Saturday work.

Advancement. No necessary. typing required. ENGLISH AMERICAN TAILORING CO, 901 N. Milton Ave.

CLERKS Who can type well. Centrally imaifu. jooa opportunity, pnone Mr tiampurger. is at. 7150 COAT AND SUIT SALESPERSON There is unlimited opportunities for person experienced in selling fine merchandise inis is a permanent position for a woman interested in building a retail career.

Apply Personnel Oflice. 3rd floor. 10 A. 10 1 P. SCHLEISNER CO.

HOWARD SARATOGA STS COMPTOMETER OPERATOR. 40-hr. wk Good pay. Pleasant working ennris WARD BAKING 2140 EDMONDSON Exp. for restaurant.

A pply 1944 W. Pratt st COUNTER GIRLS White. 16 or over, day or evening work, no exp. necessary. $24 a week to start, vacation with pay, meals ac unnorms iree.

BICKFORD'S INC. 2N CAL VERTJSX COOK FOR RESTAURANT. Night work ne cl. Z3B. COOK Jewish, for nursing home.

Phone COUNTER GIRLS Experienced preferred co ounaays. iso worK alter v. Steady employment. Meals uniforms provided. Salary $30 per week.

Apply Mr. Johnson. Maryland Stat Employment rtgrncy. iiopKnis frMare DEMONSTRATOR Permanent year-around employment selling nationally advertised household 'products in large Baltimore department store. Good salary, with opportunity to earn substantial commis- DICTAPHONE Operator, single.

R.Hav weefc 3834 hours. Will teach dictaphone op eration to cood typist. Chances for aa- vancem en tL Call Miss Ewald. LE. 3800.

DICTAPHONE Operator. Fine position. Centrally located. Good opportunity. Phone Mr.


MUST BE AN FXP. PERSON IN THIS TYPE OF WORK. BALTIMORE SALES BOOK 3132 FREDERICK AVE. DIETICIAN for hospital in Balto. Salary $2,530 yearly complete maintenance.

State age. exp. education. Box 8ii05.fiun, DISHWASHER (Col for day work. Apply Hotel Herman.

Pratt Eutaw St. DRUG CLERK, part time. "Charles St. 1001 N.cnrie. EGG CANDLER.

40-hr. 5-day wk. No lifting of cases. Apply Albert F. Goetze Employ- in ijui 1 1 e.

1 1 ne ELLIOT FISHER OPERATOR 5-day wk. titate age St salary expected. Write 9125. Sun. FELLING HAND Must be experienced.

Excellent opportunity. Apply Century doming Kepair Department. 2nd II jrarKave FILS: CLERK Single, for large casualty in surance company. Permanent position with opportunity for advancement Knowledge of typinn required. 5-da.

wk Cf.ll Miss LE. 3800, FITTER ALTERATION HAND Excellent opportunity for exp. lady In high grade specialty snop on dresses, coats and suits. Top salary for right person. Permanent employment.

Only exp. need apply. HARRY PEAKE 923 N. Charles St. Call 9.30 to 5.30.

LE. 9112. After 7 P. M. call FO.

5142 FOUNTAIN GIRL (white), steady work in modern drug store. Exr. necessary. Apply in person at 1005 Patapsco Ave. or FOUNTAIN GIRL (white), for drugstore.

alternating schedule. Call HA. 2747 lor appointment. FOUNTAIN GIRL Full or paTt time. Scnurea Drug store, 5024 Park Hgts.

Ave. FOUNTAIN good hrs. $25 a wn. tines PHARMACY. Balto.

Ac Gay. FOUNTAIN HELP Drug store. White. Over 21. wo.

2500. GIRL Light, clean factory work. Good starting salary. 5-da. wk.

Free hospitalization 'nsurance li other benefits Schoeneman. 412 W. Redwood Street. GIHL Excellent opportunity for girl ac curate at figures, jb-nr. wk.

in pleasant air-conditioned Charles St. office. Send name address to S126 Sun for Interview. GIRL to assemble mark garments in retail ary cleaning piano, uooa salary. Excelsior Cleaners.

4216 Edmondson Ave. 14 eariine. GIRL for. fountain (white). Must be over 25.

Rer. required. Aoply in person between 3 and 4 P. M. Ring's Service Drug Store.

Ttentalou and Edmondson. GIRL. WHITE, for dry cleaning no exu. necessary. Anoly MR.

K. cole. SECURITY LAUNDRY, AISQUITH IJLIVfctt I GIRL OR YOUNG WOMAN as clerk in drug store. Norrls Drug Store. 470b Liberty JIghts.

ave. LI. 1234 GIRL To manage dry-cleaning store. Good salary. Experienced preferred.

14 canine. Evcelsior Cleaners. 4216 Edmondson ave. GIRL for general office work, must type. Good rel.

Hrs. noon to 8.30. Apply 3033 Eastern. BR. 3800.

GIRL for soda fountain (white). Lambro's Bios. Pharmacy. lo38 w. Baltimore St.

GIRL (colored) for pressing. Steady job. Per Laundry. 3318 Avrdale Ave. GIRLS (White) for stock clerks, hand sewers.

machine operators ana pressers. Learners or experienced. Good starting salary with advancement. 5-dav week. L.

GREIF INC. HOMELAND GOVANS GIRLS! WOMEN! HOUSEWIVES! Here's a real opportunity! A brand new product Is now on the market that can be sold directly from your home, with no competition. We have this territory exclusively. Excellent commission. Earn some rein money inow.

la. i iua GIRLS for light, pleasant factory work. vacation witn pay. a oays wk. starting rate $28.50 per wk.

Automatic Increases. The Eastern Venetian Blind 3501 Brehms lane. GIRLS Exp. sewing machine operators ana learners. Also gins lor nana sewing and pressing.

40-hr. week. No Sat. work. ENGLISH AMERICAN TAILORING CO.

901 N. Milton Ave. GIRLS Young, to work in bindery. Pleas ant working conditions, pair salary. Ap ply The urapnic Arts Finisnuig industrial 501 E.

Preston st. GIRLS or Women (white) for pressing and turning men neckties. 4U-nour week. Steady work. Good pay.

E. Coplan Sons, 17 s. Hanover 3rd iioor GOWN SALON SALESPERSON 1nr fashionable gown salon. One Inter. ested In fine clothes, created by famous fashion designers.

Excellent opportunity for fashion-minded young lady with a desire to build for herself a successful retail career Apply Personnel Oflice. 3rd floor, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M.

SCHLEISNER CO. HOWARD At SARATOGA STS. HAT CHECK GIRL, alternate day to night work. 6-day wk. Earl Johnson's Mecca Restaurant, a aivert INDEX CLERKS Permanent noslllon.

Minimum of 2 years' hlgh-srhool education required You must ne able to start wnrk at 7 A M. Excellent starting salary. Earn while you learn. Apply Mail Order Employment Office. 4th floor.

8 30 tn 4 30. MONTGOMERY WARD MONROE ST. WASH. BLVD. HELP WANTED FEMALE Must nave had some restaurant expert ence.

Write, giving age and last em pioymetit.Box 9144Sun, KEYPUNCH OPERATORS EXPERIENCED Well established company, expanding uodern mechanization program. Good cnance for advancement, state experience salary expected and phone number. KEYPUNCH OPERATOR I. B. Experienced.

40-hr. wk. Take No 20 to Hnlablrd avenue. AMERICAN RADIATOR STANDARD SANITARY CORP 5315 HOLABIRD VE LADY 25-40 yrs. to train as bookkeeper some selling experience necessary, stead work.

Good starting salary to rieht per son. Apply 9-10 A. Singer Sewing Machine 5416 Harford Mr Kciliy, Mgr. LADIES Become an Avon representative dtirln snare hours. Pleasant work and oooorttinit to earn $5 a day.

Call PL. 5276 lor inter view. MAID, white Full maintenance. Apply Mrs. Montell.

Bydenliam MAIL OPENERS Opportunities for girls and young women who are 1 interested in a good-paying Hib that will lead to rapid advances Start to work at 5.30 A. M. and have most of your afternoon free. No expert erne required as competent Instructors win teach you at full nay while learniner Time and one-half for all hours worked over 40 hours per week. Apply Mail uraer Employment Oftlce.

fourth floor, O.JU 10 MONTGOMERY WARD MONROE ST. WASH. BLVD. MILLINER Saleslady. Experienced only 40 per week to start, steady position Apply Millicent's Individual, 1022 Con necticut avenue.

Washington. D. MANAGER for cotton dress shop. Good sal ary plus monthly bonus. Apply at Sher, man Shop.

42 W. Lexington st. See Miss Murcn. MANAGER for music must play yianu. nppiy juusic ivicrory.

liv w. Howard st MEDICAL SECRETARY Capable girl to Keep recoras assist doctor in otiice Must nave knowledge of typing short hand, 5-da. wk. $30 wk to start. State qualifications.

Write 96al, Sun. NURSE (white), practical. Graduate or undergraduate. Age 22-45 years. Good salary maintenance.

Live in. Write Superintendent of Nurses, Mount Pleas- ant, Keisterstown. Md. OFFICE MANAGER Single status. 25 to 35.

Bookkeeping and accounting expert ence helpful. Knowledue of typing. Ca pable or supervising smell onice force. Must be adept at figures and able to handle detail. Permanent position with bright future.

5-day week. Starting sai ary $45. vacation and bonus. Write, giv ing complete background, to 8661. Sun.

OPERATORS (white), experienced on Nu- Moae Necktie sewing machine. Steady worn, uooa pay. 4u-nour wees. E. copian sons, m.

Hanover 3rd floor OPERATORS (white) Exo. on "dresses, uni iorms ana Dinaing aprons: all advantages with good pay: also part time. JAFFE. .14 w. Kaito.

st. OPERATORS Exp. on U. S. Blind Stitch machine lor padding lapels collars on coats.

Albert Uzmed, 24 Fallsway. PL. OPERATORS (white), experienced on shoul der pans, excellent pay. steady work, vacation with pay. Apply Acme Pad alMY-B3iomire 2nd II.

OPERATORS Experienced on men's soort snirts. ah parts. Good pay. Howard frnortswenr. a N.

Howard st. OPERATORS (white). experienced on foinger sewing machines. Good opportunity Call ED. 4493, OPERATORS on yarn winding soinr Thread Yarn 2nd fl.

OPERATORS EXPERIENCED TOBY TOGS. 104 PRATT ST OPERATORS Exo. on single needle machines nn na- Jamas. Paid insurance, holidays and vacations. Congenial working cond.

5-day week. Year-round employment. Good weekly income can be earned on our piecework rates. KAYLON, INC. 5 N.

HAVEN ST. OPERATORS On all carts of men's pants. Steady em ployment all year round. Excellent nay. Excellent working conditions, plus holi days ana vacation pay.

Apply CROWN PANTS CO. 501 E. PRESTON INDUSTRIAL BLDG 7TH FLOOR, REAR OPERATORS EXPERTENCED on palamas. Steady work High pay. vacation, holidays nd hosaitali zation paid.

Easy transportation. PULLMAN PAJAMAS, INC. 1500 N. Chester between Federal and Oliver streets, OPERATORS on sewing machine. Good pay.


Prestoa St. PACKERS Pack or wran item of merchandise for hipment to our customers. Easy to learn under competent instructors. Good starting salary. Opportunity for advancement.

Apply Mail Order Employment Of- nce, jourm iioor. 8.30 to 4.30. MONTGOMERY WARD MONROE ST. WASH. BLVD.

PAYROLL CLERKS AND GENERAL OFFICE WORKERS Must bp? ranld unr! upcurAfp with flmirM Experience not reauired. 5-day No oaturaay wore. L. GREIF INC. HOMELAND AVENUE.

GOVANS PERSONNEL RECORD CLERK Ambitious woman, 21-35. required immediately for permanent. 5-day week, position. Must be capable stenographer and have background in personnel or related work dealing with record keeping. Salary starts at $1,900 and advances automatically to $2,400 In from 3-5 years, depending upon ability.

2 weeks' vacation and sick leave yearly. Call MR. DISNEY for ai pointment. HOUSING AUTHORITY OF ML1U. city, ua a.

Eager St. VE. 4810. POULTRY MANAGER for cut-up poultry store. Experienced.

Salary plus share in profits. Ask for S. Hanoverst. practical nurses (white)," 8-hr. day can wo.

Yum) FftKSS GIiiL--Steii3y work. Shop: 42 W. See Miss March. ftECEPi'IONlST "A TELEPHON OPERATOR with P.B.X. exD.

Age 25-35. 5-duv 40-hr. wk. Opportunity for permanent position witn cnance for advancement. Excellent working condition.

8449. Sun. SALAD and sandwich makers. White. Over 20, some exp.

call Mr. Roemer. TU. 4400. SALES CLERKS Patent medicines and cosmetics.

Schure's Drug 5024 Park Hgts. SALESGIRL Young woman to sell in downtown record shoo, some exoerience preferred: good salary and commission: excellent working conditions Apply Miss Hannah. Free State Stores. 108 N. Howard St.

SALESGIRL Exp. in selling dresses suits. Top salary. Apply FLO BORCHARD. 912 N.

CHARLES ST. SALESGIRL In bakery. Oil on Monday. 3823 Garrison boulevard. SALESGIRLS wanted for 5c.

and 10c. store work. Experience not necesary. Good salary and pleasant working conditions. Aoply New York 5c.

A 10c. Stores. 3107 W. North ave. MA J417, SALESGIRLS Some exp.

in cTiTklrcri's wear. Steady. 5-da. wk. Part time from 11 to 4 J.MLOBF.L.JULO'jJiiniien! I1 SALESGIRLS to" work in 5 10c.

sfore Saturdays. Apply Kirsch's. 663 W. Lex ington st. SALESLADY Must have experience in ladies' coats dresses.

80c. per hour. Call BR. 0773, SALESLADY-Exn. for children's dept.

pimuco section. Apply 5136 rs. his, ave. SALESLADIES For cosmetic, eicar and drug departments. Permanent positions with excellent salary and commissions.

Bright future. Ann'y READ'S PERSONNEL OFFICE. CHARLES AND FAYETTE STS. SALESLADIES Exp. only for various depts.

in ladies' specialty shop. Salary commission. FRANKS DUNHILL, 3212 GREENMOUNT AVE. SALESWOMAN Exp. shoo.

9617. Sun. in fine specialty SALESWOMEN Earn extra money for Christmas. Part or full time. Sell nylon hosiery.

Good commission and bonuses. Personal hosiery free. Call ED 0662-J SEAMSTRESSES ON CUSTOM-MADE SLIP COVERS. SCHWARTZ NOVELTY CO. 111 S.

SECOND FLOOR SECRETARY-STENOGRAPHER, with executive ability, for busy real estate office. 5-day week. Experienced middle-aged person preferred FRANKLIN REALTY 207 W. FRANKLIN ST. VE.

0354 SODA DISPENSERS Excellent salary. Good working conditions. No experience necessary. We will train you. Aoply READ'S PERSONNEL OFFICE.

CHARLES AND FAYETTE STS SODA FOUNTAIN GIRL. 21-35 yrs. Evening work, senwaao s. 33UJ ureenmount Ave. STENOGRAPHER Some filing experience Pleasant working conditions.

Apply SELDIN COAT 405 W. Frank-lin fourth floor. STENOGRAPHER Exp. or beginner. Permanent position with well-established company, 40 or 44 Mi hrs.

wk. Time and '-it 0 iv r4 0 He Bo 9612. STENOGRAPHER-CLERK 40-hour. 5-day week: smiill oilice, pleasant working conditions. State ai-te.

education and prevl- ous employers. 9890. Sun. 3TENOGRAPHER CLERK Permanent position. Gomorecht Si Benesch.

316 Eutaw st STEN OGRAPHER 5-day week, central lo-cation. State ace. experience salary expected. 9552, Sun, STENOGRAPHER lor manufacturing company. 5-dav week.

$35. Clifton Conduit 1635 S. Clinton St. STENOGRAPHER A' General Office Assls. taut.

Apply Stadium Mfg. 1301 Guilford Ave 3rd fl STENOGRAPHER General" "office work. Pleasant, surroundings, good hours. Box 9145. Sun.

STENOGRAPHER No exoerience necessary. Centrally located. Good Phone Mr. Hamburger. SA.

71 so STENOGRAPHER General office duties included. The J. F. Johnson Lumber Mr. Dicus.

Glen Burnle 100. 9 SITUATION-HOUSEHOLD. (13) fe'OMAN ish 5 (ly general housework. WOMAN Coi wishes light duties 3 morn ings or evenings wk, MA. YOUNG desires wort alter school.

MA. 7257-J 9-4 P.M. REFINED LADY of good education, with a rmall thud desires position In a mother- ri.vr.r J-mi LAUNDERING (15) ultra home. -A HUP WANTID-HOU5lJHOLDJi61 A KM A ID- A IT RESS (col. or white) Srt.ird montan to live in.

No laundry. 2 adu.t Nr Guilford bus. Must be exp. Rets. 9607.

Sun. COOK and general No nights no lundry. Ref. $25. Between 57 Li 22) COOK (Plain).

General Housework. ri Apt. No is tit j. Ref. required.

LA 41-9. CCkjK kidrrwood er Exp woman to cous nerve. Mint like children. Live in. K-rsrrriiiired t.wi iowroii "ih.4.

Cook anuiouskwokkkr-'exo. Ref io live in, Roland Park. $25 a week HO.27S.7- COOK 3 THROUGH DINNER. 5 DAY Wr.O. COM 5XIC-Li ve In.

Small city Institution MA 7251. EX PER IEN CED w-onfin for general house- woik, 3 days io until alter dinner one r.iirnt late. References. $12.00 ana car fare LI. 8935 CIKL iCol General housework, ironing.

no cooKint. no washing. Live in. rnv. rmy rath.

20. LI, 00'6. C1RL (Col i Cooking A- central house work niphts, $25w kR et 028,. fiOLStKEEPER to keen house for bachelor at Gioson It.and. uive references ana salary exnerted.

B468, Sun. Eoi'SlKEIPER White refined lady not over 50 to live in. lor 1 lady in 1st II. ant I A 431 fao. SEKEEPF.ft-COOK in physician's home.

Must like children. Good refs. FO. 32B2. fc'AID.

COL. To take care of apt. Llsht laundry, cook 1 meal a day. SAT. fc SUN.

off. For 2 adults. State age salary ex-prtd. also give ref. Box 9950.

Sun. WOMAN wtiite. for housework and cook. 1 adult in family. German or Swedish $25 wk Thursday and Sunday Pnnne UN.

4231 WOMAN, dependable, to help care for 2 yr. old bo do light housework. Live in Fair saiary. Liberal time on. oi 3339-W.

WOMAN for general housework, plain cooking, no laundry Other help employed, stay enme nich's FO R510 WOMA'n. settled coU, general housework. Live xn. days. Ref.

$22. LI. 3043. ft'OM IK ftir rooking At general house work. Live In.

25 wk. Ref. ON. 1161. WOMAN Jewish bousexeeoer wanted.

Call EXCELLENT permanent position for reliable person. Cook, housework. 5 '-a days preferably live in. On car line. References Good salary.

FO. 3113. JSONtoT Ac clean middle aged woman to stay with expectant mother. Must be fond of children. Apply in person at 6418 Don of 1 1S t.

IriDDLE-AGED whit lady to care for 14 mo. old babr At house. Live in. Good salary. Telephone ED-JSCMf SMALL GENTILE FAMILY In modern country home want settled woman as eook and housekeeper.

Live in. ive days or full week. No laundry. Room with SITUATIONS WANTED fEMALE 17 Amb.tious young woman in terested in locating exo. sDorls wear huypr for chain it specialty stores.

Write us. Eun. tTlKL S. desires position s'-creary. gen.

office clerk or Menoe- rgp.i-r. (. i Mrs. Dolan. CH.

824:1. CTRL wishes work of any kind. 1202 E. Monument St. GRADUATE PRACTICAL NURSE avail.

coi.t. uay and nignt duty. Kcas. rate Phor.e RA R7n4 hctwepn QAM Secretary (no shorthand! with ome laboratory exoerience desires posi tion in doctor on ice. W2K8.

sun. PRACTICAL NURSE AVAILABLE Trained day or right duty. Reasonable rates Phone 6A. 5131 between 9 A. rRACTICAL NURSE, graduate, desires 10 or i j.

nour nuty. or i invalids. LA. 4UB2. High school graduate 5 'a yrs.

experience. LA. 45H4 TOUNQ WOMAN, employed exp. clerk-typist, knowledge of shorthand, desires position In Catonsvlile or West Baito. 5-da.

wk. Hrs. 9 to 5. Box 2. Sun.

LADY desires position in doctor's office. Exp. in nursing; no shorthand. 21' i O. AMBITIOtS young lady desires position its public relations 4 yrs.

newspaper advertising exp. Also tvoing and CT-ernl routine. Write 9400. Sun. EtTTLED LADY would like position as companion nurse to lady.

Very light cries, sis wk. Box 9899. Sun VIRGINIA WOMAN (col.) wants job as Vr'r, f77Q SITUATIONS (Pert Time) FEMALE (18) BOOKKEEPING SERVICE For small firm. Box 9074, Sun. LADY.

Spanish Steno. As Translator, wants or it. WISG. to be done at'home. All-types" Woman icol.i.

desires 5-day week in f-. 532 uenmore Ave. WOMAN wishes typing to do at home evenings. CH. 1628 TbUNG WOMAN.

ToTlege graduate, will do tutoring in afternoon or evening in. rrencn. German. English, gen. school work, LA.

21,50 any day after 7 P. HilC WANTtO FEMALE (191 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK Dept. store exp. preferred. 5-days wk.

position. Apply 8th ,111. employment office. THE HUB CHARLES Ar FAYETTE STS. HAND Must be thoroughly exa.

on better dresses. Apply Rhanlea- i r. ut: aries ALTERATION HAVIi ExDerienced in fitting. LI. 8388 brtween 10 A.M.

5 p.m 5144 Park Hgts. Ave ALTERATION HANDS In specialty shop for better dresses Fertnanent position. Prefer one that can a.o Ci. MILLER BROS. 1110 N.

CHARLES ST ASSISTANT HOUSEKEEPER Live in. Children's ion. Small. MA. 7251.

EAP.MAID Exp. unnecessary. Neat appearance. Apply Hi-Ho Restaurant. 308 E.

Baito. St. BEAUTICIAN, experienced only. 5-day week. ironditioned shop.

Closed Mondays. CHARLOTTE'S reenrammt Experienced Also one To learrT Annly 301 W. Hallo, St. after4 PM BARMAID 'WANlEDr CairBR. 8253.

2347 f. IVf SALARY. 410 S. CONK- LIS SJj. OR WO.

72H9. BASTING PULLERS Exp. on men's coats. Abundance of work. Vers good v.

Ph. 3254. BILLING CLERK Evening work from 5.30- 10 30, Must be accurate typist. Apply Mr. Enciand, W.

T. Coan. 1327 Bay- ard nr cull GI. 8400. BILLING CLERKS Ho business machines to operate.

Position reauires balancing customer's orders. Knowledge of simple arithmetic Qualifies you for position. Advancement opportunities Apply Mail Order Employment Ollice. 4'h fioor. 8 30 to 4 30.

MONTGOMERY WARD MONROE ST. WASH. BLVD. BOOKKEEPER Gooi salary for person capable of running office taking complete charge of set of D. E.

books. Apply ROSEN 8 DEPT. STORE. 72 N. St.

BOOKKEEPER Exp. to take full charge of several small sets of double entry books lax exp A stenography helpful. Downtown sec. Give age, salary expected A rets 9192. Sun.

JOOKKEXPER Off ice and bookkeeping assistant. Some experience necessary. Located northwest section. 5-day week. $30.

uffii. aun. BOOKKEEPING Machine Opetator. Remington machine. Good working conditions.

5-day week. Good salary to start. Write 9315. Sun. BOOKKEEPER.

ASSISTANT, to do cost wnrk 5-day wk. Dixie Manufacturing Co PA. 0242, BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERATOR Experienced, to post to National Cash Register Bookkeeping Machine. Good saiary start: 5-daT week: pleasant surroundings: permanent position. Aopiy receptionist THE STTNPAPERS 5 a IMm or and Charles Sg BRUSH CO: has opening for 2 lidies.

full or part time, advertising work, no canvassing. Earnings average $1 50 As up per hour. No investment. Thorough UTTON MARKER and examiner on men's coats. Good pay.


6709 REISTERSTOWN ROAD CASHIER. CLERICAL. Young lady carable. ref. required.

5' days. PARK CIRCLE MOTOR 3426 REISTERS- TQWN RD tASHIER Alternate day and night work 6-day wk. Johnson's Mecca, 32 S. Calvert street CASHIER Must be exp. Apply Food Ma rget.

2 140 Menu ry st CASHIER-TYPIST Young mischs, 1138Penn.Ave. lady. Ker- CHEMIST or Laboratory Technician who has had actual laboratory either in school or in business is needed for laboratory research work by a local manufacturer An advanced student will be acceptable for this permanent full-time loo. Give details of education, personal background Ac salary desired, in your f.r.letterBoxJWSSunj CLERICAL WORKER for store in Ruxton. Md 5'-j-day week, good starting salary Ruxton Cleaners.

4801 Belair rd. See Mr pchuiman. CLERICAL WORKERS Varied A interesting office work, permanent position, good alanine salaries See Mr HHsey. FELOMAN DEPT. STORES 873-HB1 W.

Balto, St. CLERICAL Receiving and marking room. Prefer young lady between ages of 18 and 25. wllh rush school education. This an excellent opportunity- with every possibility fir advancement for ambitious person Aorly Personnel Office.

3rd floo. 10 A. to 1 P. M. SCHLEISNER CO.


The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland (2024)


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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.