ACTIVITY 3 Agree or Disagree 1 A character is (2024)

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ACTIVITY 3 Agree or Disagree 1 A character is (1)

ACTIVITY 3 Agree or Disagree1 A character is an indmolual aho plays a part in a terrary picce2 Charactenzation is a ters used to desente the strategges that an author ublues 10 present and drvelop the characters in literature1 A chanectrt that gers agand another chatecter is is conalet that does not aries is a tierary wark4 A chalienge that a character may encounter in a litran piece is one that turns him. the charscter geainat nature, this means the weather. wiberness or natural disaster5 In a picoe of writing, a gharacter may be pitted actinat the sociery when he is placed in opposition with the govement or a culrural trabition6. Confict is the problen in the story7. A inrar plet is one that takes the teat back in time from the current pount8. One that moves in chronological onter is calicd a Cishback glot.9. Pot refers to the series of eornts in a wnites work.10. The antagnist is the main character in a story whale the protsgonist is the one that opposes the main character.Put your check mark for your answerACTIVITY 4: DescrLotusYou are asked to descri1 $\qquad$2 $\qquad$3. $\qquad$4 $\qquad$5 $\qquad$ACTIVITY 5Reading a Pocm: Read

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ACTIVITY 3 Agree or Disagree 1 A character is (2)BestACTIVITY 3 Agree or Disagree 1 A character is (3)



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Solution 1

This image appears to be a worksheet or activity sheet related to literary analysis or character development. It presents a series of statements about characters in a literary work and asks the user to indicate whether they agree or disagree with each statement.The worksheet is divided into several activities, with the first one being "Activity 3: Agree or Disagree" where the user is instructed to put a check mark for their answer. The statements cover various aspects of character analysis, such as the role of the protagonist, the development of secondary characters, and the relationship between a character and the story's themes or cultural traditions.Without being able to identify any specific individuals in the image, I cannot provide further details about the content or context of this worksheet. However, the overall purpose appears to be to engage students in critical thinking about literary characters and their significance within a given work.

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Solution 2

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ACTIVITY 3 Agree or Disagree 1 A Character is an individual who plays a part in a literary piece 2 Characterization is a term used to describe the strategies that an author utilizes to present and develop the characters in literature 3 A character that goes against another character is a conflict that does not arise in a literary work 4 A challenge that a character may encounter in a literary piece is one that turns him the character against nature this means the weather wilderness or natural disaster 5 In a piece of writing a character may be pitted against the society when he is placed in opposition with the govermment or a cultural tradition 6 Conflict is the problem in the story 7 A linear plot is one that takes the text back in time from the current point 8 One that moves in chronological order is called a flashback plot 9 Plot refers to the series of events in a written work 10 The antagonist is the main character in a story while the protagonist is the one that opposes the main character ACTIVITY 4 Dese1 You are asked to de 1 2 3 4 5 ACTIVITY 5 Reading a Poem ReaAnswered step-by-step 1 answer II AGREE OR DISAGREE Directions Read each of the following statements carrfulty Write Agree of Disagree 1 A Character is an indivitual who plays a part in a literary piece 2 Characterization is a term used to describe the strategies that an author utiliers to present and develop the characters in titratare 3 A character that goes against another character is a conflict that dores not arise in a Literiaty work 4 A challenge that a character may encounter in a literary pirce is one that turns him the chanacter against nature this means the weather wilderness or natural disaster 5 In a piece of writing a character may be pitted against the society when he is placed in opposition with the government or a cultural tradition 6 Conflict is the problem in the story 7 A tinear plot is one that takes the text back in time from the current point 8 One that moves in chronological order is called a flashback plot 9 Plot refers to the series of events in a written work opposes The antagonist is the main character in a story while the protagonist is the one thatAnswered step-by-step 1 answer(Agree or disagree) 1 A character is an individual who plays a part in a literay piece 2Characterization is a term used to describe the strategies that an author utilizes the present and develop the characters in a literature 3A character that goes against another character i a conflict that does not arise in a literay wordsAnswered step-by-step 1 answer Agree or DISAGREE 1 A charocter is an individual who plays a part in a literany piece DisA Gree 1 2 Characterization is a tem used to describe the strategies that an author wilizes to present and develop the characters in literature Agree 3 A character that goes against another character is a conflict that does not arise in a literary work Disagree 4 A challenge that a character may encounter in a literary piece is one that tuens him the character against nature this means the weather - wildemess or natural disaster AGree 5 In a piece of writing a character may be pitted against the society when he is placed in opposition with the goverment or a cultural trabition Agree 6 Conflict is the problem in the story Pis Agree 7 A linear plot is one that takes the text back in time from the current tradition 8 One that mores in cimological order is called a flashback plor DisAGree 9 Plot refers to the series of events in a writt en work Agrel 10 the antagonsit is the main characters in aAnswered step-by-step 1 answer Directions In your Activity Notebook read and answer the following statements simply write AGREE or DISAGREE 1 A character is an individual who plays a part in literary picce 2 Characterization is a term used to describe the strategies that an author utilizes to present and develop the characters in literature 3 Acharacter that goes against another character is a conflict that does not arise in a literary work 4 A challenge that a charactermay encounter in a literary piece is one that turns him the character against nature this means the weather wilderness or natural disasterAnswered step-by-step 1 answer

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ACTIVITY 3 Agree or Disagree 1 A character is (2024)


What is character conflict? ›

This occurs when two or more characters have opposing goals or beliefs that directly clash with one another. The clash of personalities and motivations creates tension and drives the plot forward.

What kind of conflict did the characters face in the story? ›

Conflict can be internal or external. For example, a story about characters facing a hurricane would involve external conflict. Internal conflict involves a struggle between one character's competing desires.

What or whoever is opposing the main character in the conflict? ›

A protagonist is the main character in a literary work, and an antagonist is whatever or whoever opposes the protagonist.

What is a conflict with another character called? ›

An external conflict is a problem, antagonism, or struggle that takes place between a character and an outside force. External conflict drives the action of a plot forward.

What is a conflict example? ›

conflict noun [C or U] (ARGUING OR FIGHTING)

an active disagreement between people with opposing opinions or principles: conflict between There was a lot of conflict between him and his father. It was an unpopular policy and caused a number of conflicts within the party.

What is an example of character vs self conflict? ›

One man vs. self conflict is Hamlet's struggle with the morality of whether or not it's justified to kill Claudius. He wants revenge for his father, but he knows that it's wrong to kill his own uncle, especially when he's not sure if the Ghost he saw was really his father.

How to identify conflict in a story? ›

To identify a central conflict in a story, ask yourself what the main character's biggest challenge is: what do they overcome by the end of the story? If the answer is themselves, the central conflict is internal (character vs. self). Otherwise, it's external (character vs.

What type of conflict is in a story? ›

All conflict falls into two categories: internal and external. Internal conflict is when a character struggles with their own opposing desires or beliefs. It happens within them, and it drives their development as a character. External conflict sets a character against something or someone beyond their control.

What is the conflict of the story answer? ›

At its most basic, conflict is the clash of opposing forces against a character's own pursuit of a goal. The character must overcome these opposing forces to achieve the goal. These opposing forces might take on numerous shapes, and might even exist solely within the character's own psyche.

Who causes conflict for the main character? ›

Depending on the prominence of the character (is he a major character, or is he an employee or a lackey of someone else), he would probably be regarded, literarily, as the “antagonist,” the person, place, or thing that is in opposition to the protagonist.

Who is the opposing character? ›

In writing, an antagonist is defined as the character or force that opposes the protagonist. This pushback creates conflict in the story and builds tension. An antagonist can be anything opposing the protagonist: another character, the status quo, forces of nature, or even the protagonist themself.

Why does character motivation matter? ›

Character motivation fleshes out characters: Knowing the motivations, central conflict, and stakes driving a character's thoughts and actions means creating more realistic characters. Even if the world a character inhabits is fantastical, audiences want to understand why they behave the way they do.

What is the opposing force or character in a story? ›

Antagonist. The antagonist in a literary work stands in opposition to the protagonist. In most novels, the protagonists and antagonists will be clearly distinct and remain consistent. In general, the antagonist will be viewed as bad, wicked, or malicious.

What is an example of a conflict between two characters? ›

Character vs. character
  • An arsonist evades a detective determined to capture him.
  • A wedding planner is at odds with a bridezilla.
  • Road rage pits two drivers against each other.
  • An author is kept from publishing his book by a publisher who wants to ruin his career.
  • An unhappy customer demands to speak to the manager.
Oct 8, 2021

When characters face conflicts outside of themselves those conflicts are called? ›

If a character has to fight against something or someone other than themselves, chances are that they are dealing with an external conflict. A character who has to fight in a war, who has a challenging relationship with a family member, or who is trying to solve an important puzzle is experiencing external conflict.

What is an example of character vs nature conflict? ›

Cast Away starring Tom Hanks is another great example. The man vs. nature conflict occurs when the main character Chuck survives a plane crash and must survive on a deserted island. The themes of man's resourcefulness and will to survive are explored as he learns to survive on the island and later finds his way home.

How do you write a character conflict? ›

Decide what your character wants, then put an obstacle in their way. In fiction writing, conflict builds when something prevents your character from getting what they want. You can raise the stakes by making their desire an obsession. If you always give your characters what they want, your story will lack tension.

What are the 5 main types of conflict in writing? ›

5 Types of Conflict
  • Man vs. Self. This type of conflict is usually caused by something external — but the battle itself takes place within. ...
  • Man vs. Man. ...
  • Man vs. Nature. ...
  • Man vs. Society. ...
  • Man vs. Supernatural.
Sep 14, 2021


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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.