Cameron Woolsey,Lauren Harper,OfficialT3fury,+138 more
If you need a tool in 7 Days to Die and you don't have it unlocked, opening the console window and using item codes can get you equipped fast. There are hundreds of codes in the game, but our list below should cover what you need from construction to combat.
- How to Use Item Codes
- Item Codes
How to Use Item Codes
To use item codes in 7 Days to Die, you must type them into the console command window. Pressing the "F1" key opens up the window, in which you can control many aspects of the game. Beyond items, you can also use the window to activate cheat codes, change the time, and teleport around the map.
To learn more about the console command window and 7 Days to Die cheat codes, check out our guide here.
To spawn an item using codes, you need to use the command "giveself" (no quotation marks) followed by the code and any related commands.
Here is the command:
With the window open, type in: "giveself [ itemName ] [ qualityLevel= < number > ] [ count = < countnumber > ] [ putInInventory=true/false ] [ spawnWithMods=true/false ]" without the quotation marks.
Quality in 7 Days to Die refers to an item's tier. Items such as armor, tools, and weapons can have Quality levels ranging from 1 (the weakest) to 6 (the strongest). The line "spawnWithMods" refers to modifiers that increase an item's efficiency (for armor, tools, and weapons).
As an example, here's how you would spawn two Quality 3 M60 Machine Guns into your inventory:
- giveself gunMGT3M60 3 2 true
You don't need to capitalize the codes, so "gunmgt3m60" will also work.
To spawn multiple types of items that don't appear in the list below as a Stack, it's best to activate the Creative Mode, search for what you need, and add them in stacks to your inventory. To learn more about Creative Mode, check out our handy guide here.
Item Codes
There are many item codes belonging to multiple categories. Jump to the category you need by clicking on the link for it in the list below.
- Tools
- Melee Weapons
- Ranged Weapons
- Weapon and Tool Mods
- Ammunition
- Armor
- Armor Mods
- Food
- Drinks
- Medical
- Materials and Resources
- Workstations
- Vehicles
- Vehicle Mods
- Perk Books
- Skill Magazines
- Stone Axe
- meleeToolRepairT0StoneAxe
- Taza's Stone Axe
- meleeToolRepairT0TazasStoneAxe
- Claw Hammer
- meleeToolRepairT1ClawHammer
- Nailgun
- MeleeToolRepairT3Nailgun
- Iron Fireaxe
- meleeToolAxeT1IronFireaxe
- Steel Axe
- meleeToolAxeT2SteelAxe
- Steel Pickaxe
- meleeToolPickT2SteelPickaxe
- Stone Shovel
- meleeToolShovelT0StoneShovel
- Iron Shovel
- meleeToolShovelT1IronShovel
- Steel Shovel
- meleeToolShovelT2SteelShovel
- Chainsaw
- meleeToolAxeT3Chainsaw
- Auger
- meleeToolPickT3Auger
- Wrench
- meleeToolSalvageT1Wrench
- Ratchet
- meleeToolSalvageT2Ratchet
- Impact Driver
- meleeToolSalvageT3ImpactDriver
- Flashlight
- meleeToolFlashlight02
- Wire Tool
- meleeToolWireTool
- Paint Brush
- meleeToolPaintTool
- Bucket
- bucketEmpty
- Bucket of Water
- bucketRiverWater
- Lockpick
- resourceLockPick
Melee Weapons
- Bone Knife
- meleeWpnBladeT0BoneKnife
- Hunting Knife
- meleeWpnBladeT1HuntingKnife
- Machete
- meleeWpnBladeT3Machete
- Candy Cane Knife
- meleeWpnBladeT1CandyKnife
- Wooden Club
- meleeWpnClubT0WoodenClub
- Baseball Bat
- meleeWpnClubT1BaseballBat
- Steel Club
- meleeWpnClubT3SteelClub
- Candy Cane Club
- meleeWpnClubT1CandyClub
- Pipe Baton
- meleeWpnBatonT0PipeBaton
- Stun Baton
- meleeWpnBatonT2StunBaton
- Stone Spear
- meleeWpnSpearT0StoneSpear
- Iron Spear
- meleeWpnSpearT1IronSpear
- Steel Spear
- meleeWpnSpearT3SteelSpear
- Stone Sledgehammer
- meleeWpnSledgeT0StoneSledgehammer
- Iron Sledgehammer
- meleeWpnSledgeT1IronSledgehammer
- Steel Sledgehammer
- meleeWpnSledgeT3SteelSledgehammer
- Knuckle Wraps
- meleeWpnKnucklesT0LeatherKnuckles
- Iron Knuckles
- meleeWpnKnucklesT1IronKnuckles
- Steel Knuckles
- meleeWpnKnucklesT3SteelKnuckles
Ranged Weapons
- Pipe Pistol
- gunHandgunT0PipePistol
- Pistol
- gunHandgunT1Pistol
- SMG-5
- gunHandgunT3SMG5
- .44 Magnum
- gunHandgunT2Magnum44
- Desert Vulture
- gunHandgunT3DesertVulture
- Pipe Shotgun
- gunShotgunT0PipeShotgun
- Double Barrel Shotgun
- gunShotgunT1DoubleBarrel
- Pump Shotgun
- gunShotgunT2PumpShotgun
- Auto Shotgun
- gunShotgunT3AutoShotgun
- Pipe Rifle
- gunRifleT0PipeRifle
- Lever Action Rifle
- gunRifleT1LeverActionRifle
- Sniper Rifle
- gunRifleT3SniperRifle
- Pipe Machine Gun
- gunMGT0PipeMachineGun
- AK-47 Machine Gun
- gunMGT1AK47
- Tactical Assault Rifle
- gunMGT2TacticalAR
- M60 Machine Gun
- gunMGT3M60
- Primitive Bow
- gunBowT0PrimitiveBow
- Wooden Bow
- gunBowT1WoodenBow
- Compound Bow
- gunBowT3CompoundBow
- Iron Crossbow
- gunBowT1IronCrossbow
- Compound Crossbow
- gunBowT3CompoundCrossbow
- Rocket Launcher
- gunExplosivesT3RocketLauncher
Weapon and Tool Mods
- Barrel Extender
- modGunBarrelExtender
- Muzzle Brake
- modGunMuzzleBrake
- Silencer
- modGunSoundSuppressorSilencer
- Laser Sight
- modGunLaserSight
- Weapon Flashlight
- modGunFlashlight
- Scope 2x
- modGunScopeSmall
- Scope 4x
- modGunScopeMedium
- Scope 8x
- modGunScopeLarge
- Trigger Group: Semi
- modGunTriggerGroupSemi
- Trigger Group: Burst
- modGunTriggerGroupBurst3
- Trigger Group: Full Auto
- modGunTriggerGroupAutomatic
- Bipod
- modGunBipod
- Fore Grip
- modGunForegrip
- Reflex Sight Mod
- modGunReflexSight
- Sawed-Off Shotgun
- modShotgunSawedOffBarrell
- Shotgun Duckbill
- modGunDuckbill
- Shotgun Choke
- modGunChoke
- Magazine Extender
- modGunMagazineExtender
- Drum Magazine
- modGunDrumMagazineExtender
- Shotgun Tube Extender
- modGunShotgunTubeExtenderMagazine
- Cripple 'Em
- modGunCrippleEm
- Polymer String
- modGunBowPolymerString
- Retracting Stock
- modGunRetractingStock
- The Hunter
- modGunMeleeTheHunter
- Rad Remover
- modGunMeleeRadRemover
- Tempered Blade
- modMeleeTemperedBlade
- Serrated Blade
- modMeleeSerratedBlade
- Diamond Blade Tip
- modMeleeDiamondTip
- Weighted Head
- modMeleeWeightedHead
- Structural Base
- modMeleeStructuralBase
- Ergonomic Grip
- modMeleeErgonomicGrip
- Fortifying Grip
- modMeleeFortifyingGrip
- Barbed Wire
- modMeleeClubBarbedWire
- Metal Spikes
- modMeleeClubMetalSpikes
- Metal Chain
- modMeleeClubMetalChain
- Burning Shaft
- modMeleeClubBurningShaft
- Grave Digger
- modMeleeGraveDigger
- Bunker Buster
- modMeleeBunkerBuster
- Iron Breaker
- modMeleeIronBreaker
- Wood Splitter
- modMeleeWoodSplitter
- Arrow Rest
- modGunBowArrowRest
- Fireman's Axe
- modMeleeFiremansAxeMod
- Motor Tool Small Tank
- modFuelTankSmall
- Motor Tool Large Tank
- modFuelTankLarge
- Robotic Drone Armor Plating
- modRoboticDroneArmorPlatingMod
- Robotic Drone Morale Booster
- modRoboticDroneMoraleBoosterMod
- Robotic Drone Cargo
- modRoboticDroneCargoMod
- Robotic Headlamp
- modRoboticDroneHeadlampMod
- Robotic Drone Medic
- modRoboticDroneMedic
- Stone Arrow
- ammoArrowStone
- Iron Arrow
- ammoArrowIron
- Steel Arrow
- ammoArrowSteelAP
- Flaming Arrow
- ammoArrowFlaming
- Exploding Arrow
- ammoArrowExploding
- Stone Crossbow Bolt
- ammoCrossbowBoltStone
- Iron Crossbow Bolt
- ammoCrossbowBoltIron
- Steel Crossbow Bolt
- ammoCrossbowBoltSteelAP
- Flaming Crossbow Bolt
- ammoCrossbowBoltFlaming
- Exploding Crossbow Bolt
- ammoCrossbowBoltExploding
- 9mm Ammo
- ammo9mmBulletBall
- HiPower 9mm Ammo
- ammo9mmBulletHP
- AP 9mm Ammo
- ammo9mmBulletAP
- .44 Magnum Ammo
- ammo44MagnumBulletBall
- HiPower .44 Magnum Ammo
- ammo44MagnumBulletHP
- AP .44 Magnum Ammo
- ammo44MagnumBulletAP
- 7.62mm Ammo
- ammo762BulletBall
- HiPower 7.62mm Ammo
- ammo762mmBulletHP
- AP 7.62mm Ammo
- ammo762mmBulletAP
- Shotgun Shell
- ammoShotgunShell
- Shotgun AP Slug
- ammoShotgunSlug
- Shotgun Breaching Slug
- ammoShotgunBreachingSlug
- Rocket HE Ammo
- ammoRocketHE
- Rocket Frag Ammo
- ammoRocketFrag
- Pipe Bomb
- thrownAmmoPipeBomb
- Grenade
- thrownGrenade
- Contact Grenade
- thrownGrenadeContact
- Timed Charge
- thrownTimedCharge
- Stick of Dynamite
- thrownDynamite
- Molotov co*cktail
- thrownAmmoMolotovco*cktail
- Primitive Hood
- armorPrimitiveHelmet
- Primitive Outfit
- armorPrimitiveOutfit
- Primitive Gloves
- armorPrimitiveGloves
- Primitive Shoes
- armorPrimitiveBoots
- Lumberjack Hat
- armorLumberjackHelmet
- Lumberjack Outfit
- armorLumberjackOutfit
- Lumberjack Gloves
- armorLumberjackGloves
- Lumberjack Boots
- armorLumberjackBoots
- Preacher Hat
- armorPreacherHelmet
- Preacher Outfit
- armorPreacherOutfit
- Preacher Gloves
- armorPreacherGloves
- Preacher Boots
- armorPreacherBoots
- Rogue Helmet
- armorRogueHelmet
- Rogue Outfit
- armorRogueOutfit
- Rogue Gloves
- armorRogueGloves
- Rogue Boots
- armorRogueBoots
- Athletic Hat
- armorAthleticHelmet
- Athletic Outfit
- armorAthleticOutfit
- Athletic Gloves
- armorAthleticGloves
- Athletic Shoes
- armorAthleticBoots
- Enforcer Helmet
- armorEnforcerHelmet
- Enforcer Outfit
- armorEnforcerOutfit
- Enforcer Gloves
- armorEnforcerGloves
- Enforcer Boots
- armorEnforcerBoots
- Farmer Hat
- armorFarmerHelmet
- Farmer Outfit
- armorFarmerOutfit
- Farmer Gloves
- armorFarmerGloves
- Farmer Boots
- armorFarmerBoots
- Biker Helmet
- armorBikerHelmet
- Biker Outfit
- armorBikerOutfit
- Biker Gloves
- armorBikerGloves
- Biker Boots
- armorBikerBoots
- Scavenger Hat
- armorScavengerHelmet
- Scavenger Outfit
- armorScavengerOutfit
- Scavenger Gloves
- armorScavengerGloves
- Scavenger Boots
- armorScavengerBoots
- Ranger Hat
- armorRangerHelmet
- Ranger Outfit
- armorRangerOutfit
- Ranger Gloves
- armorRangerGloves
- Ranger Boots
- armorRangerBoots
- Commando Helmet
- armorCommandoHelmet
- Commando Outfit
- armorCommandoOutfit
- Commando Gloves
- armorCommandoGloves
- Commando Boots
- armorCommandoBoots
- Assassin Hood
- armorAssassinHelmet
- Assassin Outfit
- armorAssassinOutfit
- Assassin Gloves
- armorAssassinGloves
- Assassin Boots
- armorAssassinBoots
- Miner Helmet
- armorMinerHelmet
- Miner Outfit
- armorMinerOutfit
- Miner Gloves
- armorMinerGloves
- Miner Boots
- armorMinerBoots
- Nomad Headhear
- armorNomadHelmet
- Nomad Outfit
- armorNomadOutfit
- Nomad Gloves
- armorNomadGloves
- Nomad Boots
- armorNomadBoots
- Nerd Goggles
- armorNerdHelmet
- Nerd Outfit
- armorNerdOutfit
- Nerd Gloves
- armorNerdGloves
- Nerd Boots
- armorNerdBoots
- Raider Helmet
- armorRaiderHelmet
- Raider Outfit
- armorRaiderOutfit
- Raider Gloves
- armorRaiderGloves
- Raider Boots
- armorRaiderBoots
Armor Mods
- Bandolier
- modArmorBandolier
- Insulated Liner
- modArmorInsulatedLiner
- Cooling Mesh
- modArmorCoolingMesh
- Improved Fittings
- modArmorImprovedFittings
- Customized Fittings
- modArmorCustomizedFittings
- Armor Plating
- modArmorPlatingBasic
- Banded Armor Plating
- modArmorPlatingReinforced
- Armor Pocket
- modArmorStoragePocket
- Armor Double Pocket
- modArmorDoubleStoragePocket
- Armor Triple Pocket
- modArmorTripleStoragePocket
- Armor Quad Pocket
- modArmorQuadStoragePocket
- Stun Baton Repulsor
- modMeleeStunBatonRepulsor
- Muffled Connectors
- modArmorMuffledConnectors
- Advanced Muffled Connectors
- modArmorAdvancedMuffledConnectors
- Water Purifier
- modArmorWaterPurifier
- Helmet Light
- modArmorHelmetLight
- Cigar
- modArmorCigar
- Stealth Boots
- modArmorStealthBoots
- Treasure Hunter's Mod
- modArmorTreasureHunter
- Night Vision Mod
- modArmorNightVision
- Perception Mod
- modArmorPerception
- Strength Mod
- modArmorStrength
- Agility Mod
- modArmorAgility
- Intellect Mod
- modArmorIntellect
- Large Beef Ration
- foodCanBeef
- Chicken Ration
- foodCanChicken
- Lamb Rations
- foodCanLamb
- Can of Cat Food
- foodCanCatfood
- Can of Dog Food
- foodCanDogfood
- Can of Chili
- foodCanChili
- Can of Tuna
- foodCanTuna
- Can of Sham
- foodCanSham
- Can of Pasta
- foodCanPasta
- Can of Salmon
- foodCanSalmon
- Can of Miso
- foodCanMiso
- Can of Peas
- foodCanPeas
- Can of Pears
- foodCanPears
- Chicken Soup
- foodCanSoup
- Can of Stock
- foodCanStock
- Grilled Corn
- foodCornOnTheCob
- Baked Potato
- foodBakedPotato
- Old Sham Sandwich
- foodShamSandwich
- Corn Bread
- foodCornBread
- Charred Meat
- foodCharredMeat
- Grilled Meat
- foodGrilledMeat
- Boiled Meat
- foodBoiledMeat
- Meat Stew
- foodMeatStew
- Vegetable Stew
- foodVegetableStew
- Gumbo Stew
- foodGumboStew
- Hobo Stew
- foodHoboStew
- Sham Chowder
- foodShamChowder
- Boiled Egg
- foodEggBoiled
- Blueberry Pie
- foodBlueberryPie
- Pumpkin Pie
- foodPumpkinPie
- Pumpkin Cheesecake
- foodPumpkinCheesecake
- Pumpkin Bread
- foodPumpkinBread
- Steak and Potato Meal
- foodSteakAndPotato
- Shepards Pie
- foodShepardsPie
- Tuna Fish Gravy Toast
- foodTunaFishGravyToast
- Spaghetti
- foodSpaghetti
- Fish Tacos
- foodFishTacos
- Chili Dog
- foodChiliDog
- Murky Water
- drinkJarRiverWater
- Water
- drinkJarBoiledWater
- Red Tea
- drinkJarRedTea
- Goldenrod Tea
- drinkJarGoldenRodTea
- Yucca Juice
- drinkJarYuccaJuice
- Pure Mineral Water
- drinkJarPureMineralWater
- Coffee
- drinkJarCoffee
- Blackstrap Coffee
- drinkJarBlackStrapCoffee
- Beer
- drinkJarBeer
- Yucca Juice Smoothie
- drinkYuccaJuiceSmoothie
- Mega Crush
- drinkCanMegaCrush
- Bandage
- medicalBandage
- Aloe Cream
- medicalAloeCream
- First Aid Bandage
- medicalFirstAidBandage
- First Aid Kit
- medicalFirstAidKit
- Splint
- medicalSplint
- Plaster Cast
- medicalPlasterCast
- Blood Bag
- medicalBloodBag
- Vitamins
- drugVitamins
- Painkillers
- drugPainkillers
- Herbal Antibiotics
- drugHerbalAntibiotics
- Antibiotics
- drugAntibiotics
- Steroids
- drugSteroids
- Recog
- drugRecog
- Fort Bites
- drugFortBites
- Jar of Honey
- foodHoney
- Atom Junkies
- drugAtomJunkies
- Covert Cats
- drugCovertCats
- Eye Candy
- drugEyeKandy
- Hackers
- drugHackers
- Health Bar
- drugHealthBar
- Jail Breakers
- drugJailBreakers
- Oh sh*tz Drops
- drugOhsh*tzDrops
- Rock Busters
- drugRockBusters
- SkullCrushers
- drugSkullCrushers
- Sugar Butts
- drugSugarButts
- Nerd Tats
- drugNerdTats
Materials and Resources
- Small Stone
- resourceRockSmall
- Stack of Small Stone (6000)
- resourceRockSmallBundle
- Snowball
- resourceSnowBall
- Bottle of Acid
- resourceAcid
- Plant Fibers
- resourceYuccaFibers
- Wood
- Resource Wood
- Stack of Wood (6000)
- resourceWoodBundle
- Crushed Sand
- resourceCrushedSand
- Gas Can
- ammoGasCan
- Stack of Gas Can (6000)
- ammoGasCanBundle
- Iron
- resourceScrapIron
- Stack of Iron (6000)
- resourceScrapIronBundle
- Forged Iron
- resourceForgedIron
- Forged Steel
- resourceForgedSteel
- Short Iron Pipe
- resourceMetalPipe
- Scrap Polymers
- resourceScrapPolymers
- Sewing Kit
- resourceSewingKit
- Brass
- resourceScrapBrass
- Lead
- resourceScrapLead
- Stack of Lead (6000)
- resourceLeadBundle
- Clay Soil
- resourceClayLump
- Leather
- resourceLeather
- Cotton
- resourceCropCottonPlant
- Cobblestone Rocks
- resourceCobblestones
- Cement
- resourceCement
- Concrete Mix
- resourceConcreteMix
- Cloth Fragment
- resourceCloth
- Paper
- resourcePaper
- Electrical Parts
- resourceElectricalParts
- Headlight
- resourceHeadlight
- Mechanical Parts
- resourceMechanicalParts
- Legendary Parts
- resourceLegendaryParts
- Spring
- resourceSpring
- Glue
- resourceGlue
- Duct Tape
- resourceDuctTape
- Feather
- resourceFeather
- Coal
- resourceCoal
- Stack of Coal
- resourceCoalBundle
- Nitrate Powder
- resourcePotassiumNitratePowder
- Stack of Nitrate Powder (6000)
- resourcePotassiumNitratePowderBundle
- Oil Shale
- resourceOilShale
- Stack of Oil Shale (6000)
- resourceOilShaleBundle
- Gunpowder
- resourceGunPowder
- Nails
- resourceNail
- Oil
- resourceOil
- Paint
- resourcePaint
- Repair Kit
- resourceRepairKit
- Armor Kit
- resourceArmorCraftingKit
- Engine
- smallEngine
- Lead Car Battery
- carBattery
- Old Cash
- oldCash
- Solar Cell
- solarCell
- Brass Radiator
- resourceRadiator
- Silver Nugget
- resourceSilverNugget
- Gold Nugget
- resourceGoldNugget
- Raw Diamond
- resourceRawDiamond
Workstations and Workstation Tools
- Campfire
- campfire
- Dew Collector
- cntDewCollector
- Forge
- forge
- Workbench
- workbench
- Cement Mixer
- cementMixer
- Chemistry Station
- chemistryStation
- Cooking Grill
- toolCookingGrill
- Cooking Pot
- toolCookingPot
- Beaker
- toolBeaker
- Advanced Bellows
- toolBellows
- Anvil
- toolAnvil
- Crucible
- toolForgeCrucible
- Gatherer
- toolDewGatherer
- Tarp
- toolDewTarp
- Water Filter
- toolDewFilter
- Bicycle
- vehicleBicyclePlaceable
- Minibike
- vehicleMinibikePlaceable
- Motorcycle
- vehicleMotorcyclePlaceable
- 4x4 Truck
- vehicleTruck4x4Placeable
- Gyrocopter
- vehicleGyrocopterPlaceable
Vehicle Mods
- Vehicle Fuel Saver
- modVehicleFuelSaver
- Vehicle Off Road Headlights
- modVehicleOffRoadHeadlights
- Vehicle Super Charger
- modVehicleSuperCharger
- Vehicle Expanded Seating
- modVehicleExpandedSeat
- Vehicle Reserve Fuel Tank
- modVehicleReserveFuelTank
- Vehicle Plow
- modVehiclePlow
- Vehicle Armor
- modVehicleArmor
Perk Books
- The Fireman's Almanac
- Vol 1: bookFiremansAlmanacHeat
- Vol 2: bookFiremansAlmanacAxes
- Vol 3: bookFiremansAlmanacSpeed
- Vol 4: bookFiremansAlmanacMolotov
- Vol 5: bookFiremansAlmanacPrevention
- Vol 6: bookFiremansAlmanacHarvest
- Vol 7: bookFiremansAlmanacEquipment
- Night Stalker
- Vol 1: bookNightStalkerStealthDamage
- Vol 2: bookNightStalkerStealthSilentNight
- Vol 3: bookNightStalkerStealthBlades
- Vol 4: bookNightStalkerStealthThiefAdrenaline
- Vol 5: bookNightStalkerStealthArchery
- Vol 6: bookNightStalkerStealthTwilightThief
- Vol 7: bookNightStalkerStealthSlumberParty
- Lucky Looter
- Vol 1: bookLuckyLooterDukes
- Vol 2: bookLuckyLooterAmmunition
- Vol 3: bookLuckyLooterBrass
- Vol 4: bookLuckyLooterLead
- Vol 5: bookLuckyLooterBooks
- Vol 6: bookLuckyLooterFood
- Vol 7: bookLuckyLooterMedical
- Magnum Enforcer
- Vol1: bookEnforcerDamage
- Vol2: bookEnforcerApparel
- Vol3: bookEnforcerPunks
- Vol4: bookEnforcerIntimidation
- Vol5: bookEnforcerAPAmmo
- Vol6: bookEnforcerHPAmmo
- Vol7: bookEnforcerCriminalPursuit
- Batter Up!
- Vol1: bookBatterUpBigHits
- Vol2: bookBatterUpStealingBases
- Vol3: bookBatterUpSlowPitch
- Vol4: bookBatterUpKnockdown
- Vol5: bookBatterUpMaintenance
- Vol6: bookBatterUpFoulBalls
- Vol7: bookBatterUpMetalChain
- The Great Heist
- Vol1: bookGreatHeistSafes
- Vol2: bookGreatHeistGems
- Vol3: bookGreatHeistGoldRush
- Vol4: bookGreatHeistClaimed
- Vol5: bookGreatHeistAdrenalineFall
- Vol6: bookGreatHeistSprintSneak
- Vol7: bookGreatHeistMotionDetection
- Wasteland Treasures
- Vol1: bookWasteTreasuresHoney
- Vol2: bookWasteTreasuresCoffins
- Vol3: bookWasteTreasuresAcid
- Vol4: bookWasteTreasuresWater
- Vol5: bookWasteTreasuresDoors
- Vol6: bookWasteTreasuresCloth
- Vol7: bookWasteTreasuresSinks
- The Hunter's Journal
- Vol1: bookHuntingJournalBears
- Vol2: bookHuntingJournalWolves
- Vol3: bookHuntingJournalCoyotes
- Vol4: bookHuntingJournalMountainLions
- Vol5: bookHuntingJournalDeer
- Vol6: bookHuntingJournalVultures
- Vol7: bookHuntingJournalSelfDefense
- Art of Mining
- Vol1: bookArtOfMiningLuckyStrike
- Vol2: bookArtOfMiningDiamondTools
- Vol3: bookArtOfMiningCoffee
- Vol4: bookArtOfMiningBlackStrap
- Vol5: bookArtOfMiningPallets
- Vol6: bookArtOfMiningAvalanche
- Vol7: bookArtOfMiningMiningDamage
- Ranger's Guide to Archery
- Vol1: bookRangersArrowRecovery
- Vol2: bookRangersExplodingBolts
- Vol3: bookRangersCripplingShot
- Vol4: bookRangersAPAmmo
- Vol5: bookRangersFlamingArrows
- Vol6: bookRangersForestGuide
- Vol7: bookRangersKnockdown
- Pistol Pete
- Vol1: bookPistolPeteTakeAim
- Vol2: bookPistolPeteSwissKnees
- Vol3: bookPistolPeteSteadyHand
- Vol4: bookPistolPeteMaintenance
- Vol5: bookPistolPeteHPAmmo
- Vol6: bookPistolPeteAPAmmo
- Vol7: bookPistolPeteDamage
- Shotgun Messiah
- Vol1: bookShotgunMessiahDamage
- Vol2: bookShotgunMessiahBreachingSlugs
- Vol3: bookShotgunMessiahLimbShot
- Vol4: bookShotgunMessiahSlugs
- Vol5: bookShotgunMessiahMaintenance
- Vol6: bookShotgunMessiahMagazine
- Vol7: bookShotgunMessiahPartyStarter
- Sniper
- Vol1: bookSniperDamage
- Vol2: bookSniperCripplingShot
- Vol3: bookSniperHeadShot
- Vol4: bookSniperReload
- Vol5: bookSniperControlledBreathing
- Vol6: bookSniperAPAmmo
- Vol7: bookSniperHPAmmo
- Automatic Weapons Handbook
- Vol1: bookAutoWeaponsDamage
- Vol2: bookAutoWeaponsUncontrolledBurst
- Vol3: bookAutoWeaponsMaintenance
- Vol4: bookAutoWeaponsDrumMag
- Vol5: bookAutoWeaponsRecoil
- Vol6: bookAutoWeaponsRagdoll
- Vol7: bookAutoWeaponsMachineGuns
- Urban Combat
- Vol1: bookUrbanCombatLanding
- Vol2: bookUrbanCombatCigar
- Vol3: bookUrbanCombatSneaking
- Vol4: bookUrbanCombatJumping
- Vol5: bookUrbanCombatLandMines
- Vol6: bookUrbanCombatAdrenalineRush
- Vol7: bookUrbanCombatRoomClearing
- Tech Junkie
- Vol1: bookTechJunkie1Damage
- Vol2: bookTechJunkie2Maintenance
- Vol3: bookTechJunkie3APAmmo
- Vol4: bookTechJunkie4Shells
- Vol5: bookTechJunkie5Repulsor
- Vol6: bookTechJunkie6BatonCharge
- Vol7: bookTechJunkie7Hydraulics
- Bar Brawling
- Vol1: bookBarBrawling1BasicMoves
- Vol2: bookBarBrawling2DropABomb
- Vol3: bookBarBrawling3KillerInstinct
- Vol4: bookBarBrawling4FinishingMoves
- Vol5: bookBarBrawling5AdrenalineHealing
- Vol6: bookBarBrawling6RageMode
- Vol7: bookBarBrawling7BoozedUp
- Spear Hunter
- Vol1: bookSpearHunter1Damage
- Vol2: bookSpearHunter2Maintenance
- Vol3: bookSpearHunter3Bleed
- Vol4: bookSpearHunter4KillMove
- Vol5: bookSpearHunter5RapidStrike
- Vol6: bookSpearHunter6PenetrationShaft
- Vol7: bookSpearHunter7QuickStrike
Skill Magazines
- Handy Land (Repair)
- repairToolsSkillMagazine
- Scrapping 4 Fun (Salvage)
- salvageToolsSkillMagazine
- Furious Fists (Fist Combat)
- knucklesSkillMagazine
- Knife Guy (Knives)
- bladesSkillMagazine
- Big Hutters (Clubs)
- clubsSkillMagazine
- Get Hammered (Sledgehammers)
- sledgehammersSkillMagazine
- Sharp Sticks (Spears)
- spearsSkillMagazine
- Bow Hunters (Bows)
- bowsSkillMagazine
- Handgun Magazine (Pistols and SMG)
- handgunsSkillMagazine
- Shotgun Weekly (Shotguns)
- shotgunsSkillMagazine
- Rifle World (Rifles)
- riflesSkillMagazine
- Tactical Warfare (Machine Guns)
- machineGunsSkillMagazine
- Explosives Magazine (Explosives)
- explosivesSkillMagazine
- Tech Planet (Robotics and Batons)
- roboticsSkillMagazine
- Armored Up (Armor)
- armorSkillMagazine
- Medical Journal (Medicine)
- medicalSkillMagazine
- Home Cooking Weekly (Food Recipes)
- foodSkillMagazine
- Southern Farming (Farming and Seeds)
- seedSkillMagazine
- Wiring 101 (Electronics)
- electricianSkillMagazine
- Electrical Traps (Traps)
- trapsSkillMagazine
- Forge Ahead (Workstations)
- workstationSkillMagazine
- Vehicle Adventures (Vehicles)
- vehiclesSkillMagazine
Looking for more 7 Days to Die guides? Check out:
- Weapons List
- Zombies List
- Traders and Quests
Up Next: Creative Mode
Top Guide Sections
- 7 Days to Die Roadmap
- 7 Days to Die 1.0 Update Patch Notes
- Beginner's Guide and Tips for Getting Started
- Blood Moon Horde Night Survival Strategies and Tips
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In This Guide
7 Days to Die
Iron Galaxy Studios
Related Guides
Overview7 Days to Die Roadmap 7 Days to Die 1.0 Update Patch NotesBeginner's Guide and Tips for Getting Started